Ask Jigsaw

Ask Jigsaw

How does Ask Jigsaw work?

Got a mental health query or concern that you think others might share?

***Please note

Ask Jigsaw is temporarily suspended. However, you may benefit from speaking directly with someone in our online team through Jigsaw Live Chat or with a clinician in one of our services

Ask Jigsaw Q&A

Check out ‘Ask Jigsaw Q&A‘ for all published questions and answers . *Please note, we might change or remove some details to ensure anonymity.

  • How it works


    Ask here and have your answer published online by Jigsaw clinicians. These are trained mental health professionals who have lots of experience supporting young people and their families with their mental health.


    • Submit your query or question anonymously through the fields below
    • A Jigsaw clinician will read through all of the queries that are submitted each week
    • Check ‘Ask Jigsaw Q&A‘ for all published questions and answers . *Please note, we might change or remove some details to ensure anonymity
    • As the questions are anonymous, we won’t be able to provide responses directly to each individual.

    Due to the number of questions, we can’t guarantee that we will be able to answer each one, but we’ll try!

    We hope ‘Ask Jigsaw’ can provide helpful advice and guidance.

  • Direct response


    ‘Ask Jigsaw’ is completely anonymous, with responses published here so others can benefit. If you are a young person and would prefer a direct response, register for Jigsaw Live Chat, and submit your question there to get an answer to your inbox.


    To speak to someone, our Jigsaw support line provides free mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years-old, and parents or concerned adults who live in the Republic of Ireland .


    If you are looking for an urgent response please visit ‘need urgent help‘.