Ask Jigsaw: Is it normal to feel down most of the time?
Ask Jigsaw: Is it normal to feel down most of the time?
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Is it normal to feel down most of the time and not yourself? But when I try to talk to friends about how I’m feeling I feel guilty and the mind tells me that I’m okay and that there’s nothing wrong with me.
Hi pinkandgreendrawers,
When it comes to mental health, what is ‘normal’ is very subjective. Everyone’s experience of mental health is different and what is normal for you might not be for someone else.
You know yourself best and if you feel that something is not right then trust your instinct. It sounds like you have recognised that feeling down“most of the time” is not normal for you.
Changes in our mood can be an indicator that we need to pay more attention to ourselves and our mental health.
There are some ways that we can support our mental health on an everyday basis, for example, the five a day for mental health. There are lots of mental health apps or self-help books that might be helpful in identifying ways to manage mood.

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Speak with one of our clinicians online through our free text-based live chat if you have been feeling down a lot.
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Sharing our experience with someone we trust can really help us to feel better. It sounds like your thoughts have prevented you from opening up to friends. It’s not unusual to avoid a situation that could potentially be difficult. Preparing for the conversation, and speaking to people we trust, can make the experience an easier one.
It takes strength to acknowledge we are not ourselves, and even more strength to do something about it. Wishing the very best for you as you take steps to feeling better.
With best wishes,
Jigsaw Clinician