Ask Jigsaw: Preparing for the future

Ask Jigsaw: Preparing for the future

Friday, 17 July 2020

How do I face a future I cannot predict? What can I do to prepare for a future I may never be ready for? What are important skills for independent living? What can I do now, during this pandemic to prepare for the future? How do I make myself believe in things that are common sense, but yet I somehow refuse to accept?


Hi Beepbeepimasheep,

During times of unprecedented change, it’s not surprising to ask ourselves important questions as you have. It can be useful to ask questions about the future, so that we can feel prepared for what’s to come. However, the only certainty about the future is that it is uncertain, regardless of whether Covid-19 happened or not. It’s understandable if this makes us feel anxious, but giving ourselves the permission to accept this can be very calming.

Jigsaw Clinician
Once we accept that we cannot predict the future, we can learn how to manage worrying thoughts about the future.

Once we accept that we cannot predict the future, we can learn how to manage worrying thoughts about the future. Grounding exercises can help us to refocus on the present and calm spiraling thoughts. Check out this video to learn a grounding exercise called ACE.

You mention that you are struggling to accept certain things in your life. Our thoughts can feel overwhelming at times, and we can almost engage in arguments with ourselves about certain things. We can know something logically, but a part of us can struggle against that too. We can’t always control the thoughts that come in and out of our head. However, we can choose which to focus on and which to let go. Mindfulness apps such as Headspace can help us with letting go some of those thoughts that might be distressing.

It is difficult to directly answer your questions. However, by focusing on the present, and doing the things you enjoy, you will be preparing yourself for a very happy future.

Take care,

Rachel, Jigsaw Clinician

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