


Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall good governance and strategic direction of Jigsaw. They meet regularly to discuss, decide and review our strategies and policies and receive reports and updates from senior managers. Our trustees work for Jigsaw on a voluntarily basis to help us achieve an Ireland where every young person’s mental health is valued and supported.

Jacinta Stewart headshot

Jacinta Stewart


Jacinta Stewart served as Chief Executive Officer of CDVEC/CDETB from 2005-2016. Having graduated from UCD with a BA and Higher Diploma in Education, Jacinta began her career as a teacher in Dundalk Regional College (now Dundalk Institute of Technology). 

A picture of our board member Simonetta

Simonetta Ryan

Vice Chairperson and Chair – HR & Governance Subcommittee

Simonetta Ryan is a former Assistant Secretary General with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (now retired). She previously worked in the Departments of Health and the Department of Finance.

A picture of our board member Mary

Mary Cunningham

Mary is the CEO of the National Youth Council of Ireland, which is the representative body for national voluntary youth work organisations in Ireland. NYCI represents and supports the interests of around 50 voluntary youth organisations and uses its collective experience to act on issues that impact on young people.

A photo of our board member Brian

Brian Geoghegan

Chair – Education Subcommittee

Brian is a former Deputy Director of the Central Statistics Office, a former Director of Economic Affairs at IBEC and former Chairman of FAS, the State employment agency. In his role at IBEC he played a key role in representing Irish business with policy makers in Ireland and internationally.

A picture of our board member Martin

Martin Scully

Chair – Finance Subcommittee

Martin Scully is Chief Executive of Oyster Capital Partners and was appointed to the Board of Jigsaw in October 2018.  Martin is a director of Titan HQ, Amarenco Solar Holdings Limited and Movell European Transport Limited.

A picture of our Board member Emer Smyth

Professor Emer Smyth

Chair – Research & Evaluation Subcommittee

Research Professor at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)Her main research interests centre on education, school to work transitions, gender and comparative methodologyShe has conducted a number of studies on the effects of schooling contexts on student outcomes, including Do Schools Differ?

Tammy Donaghy

Chair – Public Affairs Advisory Subgroup

Tammy Donaghy is a youth mental health advocate. Tammy comes from a youth work background, has completed an undergraduate degree in youth and community studies and is currently pursuing a Masters in comparative criminology and criminal justice. She has experience of working with, or advocating for, young people at many levels and is currently a youth employability support worker in Finglas youth resource centre.

Ruth Melia profile photo.

Dr Ruth Melia

Ruth is a Senior Clinical Psychologist / Clinical Lead, and a researcher in the area of digital technology and mental health. She is an experienced clinician having worked across primary care, CAMHS and disability services, and a senior lecturer in clinical psychology.

Liz Chaloner

Liz Chaloner is an experienced senior manager and independent consultant in the not-for-profit and public sectors and has held many senior positions, including the Centre for Effective Services (Senior Manager), Samaritans Ireland (Interim Executive Director), Dyslexia Association of Ireland (Interim CEO) and Barnardos (Assistant Director).

Karen O'Connor photo

Dr. Karen O'Connor

Karen is a Consultant Psychiatrist and the National Clinical Lead for the Early Intervention in Psychosis Programme. Dr. O Connor is a graduate of University College Cork. She completed most of her postgraduate training in Psychiatry in Dublin.

John Crawley


John is an energetic leader with a proven track record in driving business strategy, leading edge Risk Management Consulting &Training and Business Turnaround.

Terms of reference

The Jigsaw Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the proper management of the organisation.

In particular it has a collective responsibility for:

  • Acting in the best interests of Jigsaw and for the users of their services and their staff
  • Acting on the recommendations of the Board Subcommittees
  • Ensuring that appropriate clinical and professional governance arrangements are in place
  • Providing strategic guidance
  • Monitoring the activities and effectiveness of the CEO and management team
  • Ensuring effective systems are in place for identifying and managing risk
  • Ensuring the adequacy of internal financial controls
  • Accounting accurately to the State and other funders of its activities.

Members of the Board of Directors should act on an informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care, and in the best interests of Jigsaw to ensure that public monies are applied for the purpose they have been provided.

The membership of the Board of Directors / Governing Body should reflect diversity in terms of gender, skills and areas of competency.