
Jigsaw Child Safeguarding

Jigsaw Child Safeguarding

Jigsaw Child Safeguarding


Jigsaw seeks to advance the mental health of all young people through influencing change, strengthening communities and delivering services. Jigsaw provides youth mental health services to young people aged 12-25 and their families in a network of services across Ireland and online.

The safety and welfare of children and young people is a key priority for Jigsaw. Every staff member has a responsibility and duty of care to ensure that every child/young person availing of our service is safe and protected from harm (physical/emotional/sexual abuse or neglect). The policies and procedures outlined in this Child Safeguarding Statement apply to all Jigsaw workers (i.e. Jigsaw employees, HSE staff seconded to work in Jigsaw, staff on employment schemes, Youth Advocate volunteers and board members).

This Child Safeguarding Statement is informed by the following risk assessment.

  • Risk of harm to a child from a member of staff

    • Pre-employment checks
    • Professional standards for healthcare staff
    • Professional registration for healthcare professionals
    • Code of Behaviour for staff
    Jigsaw Child Protection and Welfare Policy
    • Policies, protocols, procedures and guidelines regarding safe practice and service delivery
    • Jigsaw Consent Policy
  • Risk of harm to a child from a service user (adult or child), visitor or member of the public

  • Risk of non-compliance with Children First Act and National Guidance

  • Risk of harm or concern not being recognised or reported


Jigsaw policies and procedures have been developed to promote safe environments for children and young people; to mitigate the potential for risk to arise; and to manage it safely where it does. In addition to the procedures outlined in the risk assessment, the following policies and procedures support our intention to safeguard children availing of any Jigsaw service:

  • Recruitment policies to ensure the selection and recruitment of staff who are suitable to work with children, including Garda vetting policy;
  • Induction for all staff and volunteers in the Jigsaw Child Protection and Welfare Policy;
  • “An Introduction to Children First” mandatory eLearning training for all staff;
  • DLP online learning for all Mandated Persons
  • Jigsaw Child Protection and Welfare Policy outlining Jigsaw’s reporting procedure;
  • Policy and related procedures to follow in the event of an allegation made against a staff
  • Risk Management Policy to assess and manage any risk of harm;
  • Incident, Accident and Near Miss Policy;
  • List of all Mandated Persons in Jigsaw;
  • Appointment of National Designated Liaison Person (and Deputy) to oversee the assessment of risk and to develop a Child Safeguarding Statement for the organisation.


The Clinical Director (who acts as the National Designated Liaison Person for the organisation) is responsible for ensuring that the policies and procedures outlined in this Child Safeguarding Statement are in place and operating effectively. Child Safeguarding Statements must be displayed in Jigsaw National Office and in each Jigsaw service. A Designated Liaison Person has been identified to be the first point of contact in respect of the Child Safeguarding Statement in each Jigsaw service; who must ensure that any service specific risks are identified and shared with the Interim Clinical Governance Lead so that additional policies and procedures are developed, implemented and reviewed as necessary to manage these risks.

This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed on 30/6/2024, or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.