
Corporate donations

Corporate donations

Ways you can donate to Jigsaw

  • Business sales donors 

    Business owners who are passionate about mental health can donate a portion of profits indefinitely or over a set period.

  • Employee giving 

    If you are responsible for employee giving in your organisation and wish to have Jigsaw as an option, please get in contact.

  • Company charitable donations

    Businesses wishing to make a donation can do so via our website, by bank transfer or by getting in touch.

Choose an amount to give


Personal Details

Donate by bank transfer


Bank: Bank of Ireland, Baggot Street, Dublin 2
Account name: The National Centre for Youth Mental Health
IBAN: IE38 BOFI 9014 9093 7045 16
Account no: 93704516
Sort code: 90-14-90


Christy's story

Christy tells us about Abbey River Coffee and the partnership with Jigsaw.

Get in touch

If there are any questions about corporate gifts that we can answer for you, please get in touch.