
Deliver services

Deliver services

Deliver services

Intervening early with mental health difficulties can help many young people avoid unnecessary suffering. It’s vital that young people have easy access to the information and support they need.

That’s why we provide free, expert information resources and support online, and in our services around the country.


How Jigsaw services make a difference

  • 264,654

    people visited Jigsaw.ie in 2020, our new website offering online information and support

  • 23,075

    appointments offered to young people across our Jigsaw services in 2020.

  • 18,416

    people took part in our youth mental health promotion workshops and courses in 2020.

  • 694

    Individual chats with young people on our live chat service since its launch in June 2020.

Increasing our reach through online mental health support

We offer online mental health support to young people, parents, and those who work with young people.

Find expert information, practical advice, workshops and online courses created by our Jigsaw clinicians and youth volunteers here on our site.

We also offer a number of ways for young people to talk to our Jigsaw clinicians:

  1. Our live group chats are for young people between 12 and 25 years-old, living in Ireland. These are live discussions online on mental health themes, moderated by a Jigsaw clinician. Each week has a different theme. Check out when the next group chat is on.
  2. Jigsaw Live Chat is a way to get support for young people, connecting 1:1 with our trained staff.

These services are supported by funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 134.

Sláintecare logo Pobal logo Government of Ireland

Picture of two young women in a library

Jigsaw offers primary care mental health services for young people

Our Jigsaw services are based in communities across Ireland.

We listen to a young person’s judgement of their own needs. A young person can access support from a Jigsaw clinician or, if required, we can supplement existing support from their friends, family and community.

Therapeutic support

A key part of our Jigsaw services is our free therapeutic support to help young people cope with the mental health challenges they face. These can include anxiety, stress, low mood and sleep issues.

Through a series of sessions with a Jigsaw clinician, young people are encouraged to identify goals that are relevant to their lives. They are then supported in working towards these goals through problem solving, learning new skills and connecting with other services that might be able to help.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, our services adapted to provide our therapeutic support to young people through video, phone and chat.

Always seeking ways to improve our services and offerings

We are always seeking to improve our services and offerings.

It’s important we offer the best free mental health information, advice and support for every young person across Ireland. To do this, we are always looking to improve and grow our Jigsaw services and supports.

Much of how we developed our services in recent times has been in response to the pandemic. Jigsaw adapted services to maintain our offering to the many young people reaching out. Therapeutic support has now been made available through video, phone and chat, as well as in person appointments, where possible.

Evaluating our services, funding research and working closely with young people helps us understand their mental health needs. We use an online data collection and case management system for our services called the Jigsaw Data System. It allows us to conduct regular and comprehensive analysis of our service delivery.

The overwhelming majority of young people continue to tell us they were satisfied with the support they received from our Jigsaw services.

Picture of group of students

Endeavouring to grow our services to support even more young people in Ireland

Our first Jigsaw service opened in 2006. Since then we have continued to grow and find new ways to offer our services and supports to young people all over Ireland.

We are now offering online information and support, which includes:

IIn December 2020, Jigsaw Wicklow opened in Bray. Another service, Jigsaw Tippperary, opened in Thurles.

We will continue to find new ways to grow our services and supports so we can be there for more young people.