Goal setting
Goal setting
Monday, 05 December 2022
We are often asked about our ‘goals in life’ when it comes to careers or discussions about the future. ‘Squad goals’ or ‘couple goals’ appear in many Instagram posts, but what does this really mean? Are personal goals something we want to be, or want to have?
In this article, you will find help to set and achieve your goals:
- What is a goal?
- The purpose of goal setting
- Is the goal SMART?
- How to increase your chances of success
- Ciara (19) shares a goal that she achieved
What is a goal?
A goal is something that we are aiming towards. They could be:
- Getting on a sports team
- Losing a certain amount of weight
- Saving money
- Getting into a specific college
The purpose of goal setting
Goals can give us a sense of direction. If we don’t have an idea of where we’re heading, it can feel as if we’re not moving forward. Goals can motivate us. They can focus attention on activities or behaviours we would like to change. Having goals can guide the choices and decisions we make.
However, sometimes goals can be demoralising or demotivating. We can feel we are always chasing something without reaching it. If we don’t achieve a goal, it can lead to a sense of failure. So, how can we ensure our goals are helpful rather than holding us back?
Whose goal is it?
When thinking about a goal, ask whether it is something you would genuinely like to achieve? Or is it someone else’s idea for us? Or even society’s expectations?
Getting a college degree is a goal that many young people have. But is it a goal of yours, because you enjoy the subject? Or because going to university is important? It may be our parent’s or teacher’s goal for us rather than our own. If we set goals that don’t fit with our own values or desires, it becomes harder to achieve them.
Is the goal SMART?
You may have heard this term before. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. If we shape our goals using these headings, it can make them a little easier to reach. Consider whether your goals are:
- Specific: Are you clear about what you want to work towards? The clearer your goal is, the easier it is to take steps to get there.
- Measurable: How will you know when you have achieved your goal? Sometimes young people come to Jigsaw and say things like ‘my goal is to be happier’. While this might seem to make sense, it is difficult to measure.
- Achievable: Be aspirational, by all means, but also be realistic. If we set unrealistic goals, our motivation for them can drop. Thinking you can run a marathon in a month’s time, when you’re really at couch-to-5K level is setting yourself up to fail.
- Relevant: Whose goal is it anyway? If you don’t see the relevance of something, it is much harder to get motivated. We need goals that are meaningful to us and fit with our own interests and values.
- Time-bound: Targets can help you towards your goal. If you have six weeks to achieve it, it will spur you on and focus.

What happens if I don’t achieve my goal?
Sometimes people say that by not setting goals they can’t fail. The fear of failure can be paralysing and can mean that we never start anything. Not achieving what we set out to, does not necessarily mean we ‘failed’. It may be that a goal is no longer relevant to us and other things became a priority. Maybe it was not the right goal in the first place.
Not reaching a goal presents us with a learning opportunity, either to try something different or to change our goal.
If there are projects or plans we don’t complete, there may still be achievements from them. Not finishing a college course, doesn’t take away the achievement of getting a place on it. The experience could make you realise you have an interest outside academia. It could also highlight that your interests and passions lie elsewhere.
Anticipate obstacles
Think back on the things you are most proud of in life. They probably didn’t come easily. For most of the meaningful goals, there will be obstacles in achieving them. While thinking negatively isn’t helpful, we can be realistic about the challenges involved.
What is stopping you reaching your goals? These could be external such as other people, events or the environment. They could also be internal, like our own mindset, health or skills. Whatever the obstacles, thinking about ways to navigate or overcome them can reduce their impact.
How to increase your chances of success
Write your goals down
You may have heard the quote: ‘it’s a dream until you write it down, then it’s a goal’. Research shows if you write down your goal then you are more likely to achieve it. Place the paper somewhere prominent as a regular reminder you’re working towards. Bullet journals are a popular method for writing down and working towards goals.
Track your goals
There may be a checklist of items you need to get through. Keeping a record of how far you’ve come since setting your goal can be helpful.
Look for allies
Let the people close to you know you are working towards a particular goal. Support and encouragement will help you navigate obstacles as they arise. Be clear with them how they can help.
If we don’t have a sense of direction it can be easy to feel left behind. Working towards something, opens up new possibilities. We may end up somewhere that we never even considered.
Ciara’s story: A goal I achieved
Ciara, 19, a Jigsaw volunteer from Dublin shared how she set out to achieve a goal.