


We strive to be one of Ireland’s most trusted charities. We’ve been nominated for a Good Governance Award no less than six times and nominated for the Published Accounts Awards three times, it’s fair to say the bar has been set high for us…

And that’s just how we like it.

Thousands of people come to Jigsaw for support every year. This is made possible by the people who enable us to do our work by trusting us with their money, time, and energy. We have a responsibility toward all of those stakeholders.

To actively demonstrate openness, transparency, and integrity to our beneficiaries and donors Jigsaw operates to the Charities Institute Ireland Triple Lock Standards of transparent reporting, good fundraising, and governance.

>> View our 2023 Annual Report.

How Jigsaw ensures quality across all its work

Jigsaw’s national office provides a central programme of assistance to our services including:

  • clinical governance
  • quality assurance
  • fidelity management
  • evaluation
  • youth mental health promotion
  • project management
  • fundraising
  • communications
  • finance, HR, IT and facilities functions.

We remain committed to ensuring high quality, safe and effective clinical practice across all of our Jigsaw services and supports. Our mental health professionals undergo regular supervision as per our clinical supervision policy.

Youth participation

Since Jigsaw was founded in 2006, young people have been involved in helping us to develop and design our services.

Youth volunteers are represented on the board, its sub-committees and are involved in the recruitment of staff. They also represent Jigsaw at national and international events. This helps us make sure our work is relevant to the communities we support.