Jigsaw Dublin 15

Dublin 15

Meet the team and find out all the details you need to get in touch with the Jigsaw service in Dublin 15, for youth mental health support.

Getting Started


Telephone: 01 5253090



Address: Blanchardstown Library
2nd Floor
Blanchardstown Shopping Centre
D15 RY73

Jigsaw Dublin 15 is wheelchair accessible

Get Directions

Opening Hours

  • Monday 9.00am - 1pm, 2pm– 5.30pm
  • Tuesday 10.00am - 2pm, 3pm– 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 9.00am - 1pm, 2pm– 5.30pm
  • Thursday 9.00am - 1pm, 2pm– 5.30pm
  • Friday 9.00am - 1pm, 2pm– 4.30pm
  • Saturday -Closed
  • Sunday -Closed

Closed: The Mondays of Bank Holidays

About us

Jigsaw Dublin 15 is a free, non-judgmental, and confidential service supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 12 – 25 living, working, or studying in Dublin 15. We provide guidance and support for young people going through a difficult time. We are located on the 2nd Floor of Blanchardstown Library at the shopping centre.

Who are we?

We aim to provide tailored community-based support for young people’s mental health needs. Our team is made up of professionals with experience in the mental health, youth, and community, and healthcare sectors. Find out more about service teams in Jigsaw.

Direct support for young people

Our service in Dublin 15 provides a welcoming space for young people to get information or make an appointment. If a young person wants support, our staff are here to listen. They provide supportive, non-judgemental guidance, usually over the course of six sessions. We also provide information and advice to anyone who is worried about a young person in their lives.

We have interpreter services available for young people who may require it when they come to us for support.

Working in the community

We offer a variety of workshops for young people, parents/guardians, people who work/volunteer with young people, and health professionals. They cater to a broad range of needs, but all have the key aim of changing how we think about and support young people’s mental health.

If you’re interested in inviting Jigsaw to give a workshop in your community, request a workshop here.

Working with our Youth Advisory Panel

At Jigsaw, we believe it is vital to make sure young people’s voices are heard. Our Youth Advocates represent us and take part in decision-making at every level.

We are currently recruiting Youth Advocates (aged 16-25) for our Jigsaw Dublin 15 service. To apply please email shola.adekunle@jigsaw.ie for an application form.

Tell us about your experience

At Jigsaw, we care passionately about what we do and strive to give young people the best possible support for their mental health. If you are happy, or unhappy, with our service in any way, let us know by completing our online feedback form.

Please select the option best suited to you:

Meet the Jigsaw Dublin 15 team



Service Manager

My role as Service Manager is to oversee and develop Jigsaw’s Dublin 15 service in partnership with our Clinical Manager and in consultation with the wider team. I have a keen interest in young people and having access to appropriate services. My background is working with young people for over 21 years in various settings such as High Support Care, Special Care, After Care and Mainstream Residential, with a couple of years working with Early Childhood. My later years have been in a Senior Management Role developing services and leading teams. I was delighted to take a role with Jigsaw, given the work they do with young people in the community.  I work closely with all team members – Kelly our SA who is the first person you meet when you come to the service, the YCEW which works closely with various groups in the community to spread awareness around mental health, our service Jigsaw and of course the clinicians who meet with all of our young people and support them. I have a real passion for effective leadership and love supporting everyone around me to be the best that they can be.

  • Lorraine
  • Evgeniya
  • Kelly Doyle
  • Christina
  • Shola
  • Bri
  • Sarah
  • Romy

Study and Work

I have a qualification in Early Childhood and a BA in Social Care Practice, I have engaged in numerous trainings throughout the years to include Leadership and Governance, Meitheal, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, Trauma Informed Care, . I also work with CORU on a Review Team for Social Care Programmes and have been a guest speaker in 3rd Level Social Care Programmes.

I love reading, walking and have a keen interest in acting – you are sure to find me on a stage in my local community.

Lorraine, Dublin 15
Service Administrator
Christina McAree, Mental Health Nurse
Shola Adekunle, Youth & Community Engagement Worker
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Lorraine, Dublin 15


Service Manager

My role as Service Manager is to oversee and develop Jigsaw’s Dublin 15 service in partnership with our Clinical Manager and in consultation with the wider team. I have a keen interest in young people and having access to appropriate services. My background is working with young people for over 21 years in various settings such as High Support Care, Special Care, After Care and Mainstream Residential, with a couple of years working with Early Childhood. My later years have been in a Senior Management Role developing services and leading teams. I was delighted to take a role with Jigsaw, given the work they do with young people in the community.  I work closely with all team members – Kelly our SA who is the first person you meet when you come to the service, the YCEW which works closely with various groups in the community to spread awareness around mental health, our service Jigsaw and of course the clinicians who meet with all of our young people and support them. I have a real passion for effective leadership and love supporting everyone around me to be the best that they can be.

Study and Work

I have a qualification in Early Childhood and a BA in Social Care Practice, I have engaged in numerous trainings throughout the years to include Leadership and Governance, Meitheal, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, Trauma Informed Care, . I also work with CORU on a Review Team for Social Care Programmes and have been a guest speaker in 3rd Level Social Care Programmes.

I love reading, walking and have a keen interest in acting – you are sure to find me on a stage in my local community.


Clinical Manager

My name is Evgeniya and I am a Clinical Manager. My role is to guide and support the clinicians in Jigsaw Dublin 15. I also work directly with young people. Originally from Belarus, I can do clinical work in English and Russian. One of my favourite quotes: "The person is not the problem; the problem is the problem”. I love films, playing the piano, and teaching my adorable silky terrier to do tricks!

Study and work

I received my doctoral degree in Counselling Psychology from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. I’ve been in Jigsaw in the role of Clinician and Senior Clinician for several years. Before joining Jigsaw, I worked as a Psychologist in the Irish Prison Service. My doctoral thesis was on Multicultural Supervision, and I am happy to be a part of such a diverse community as Dublin 15.

Service Administrator

Kelly Doyle

Service Administrator

I initially worked as Administrator for the National Office before starting with the D.15 team. I really enjoy my role as it can be quite varied, sometimes challenging, though always rewarding. One of my favourite aspects is getting to meet the young people. I can help them feel at ease when they call in to the service or make contact by telephone. When not at work, you will likely find me on my yoga mat, or hiking up a mountain. These are two of my favourite passions.

Christina McAree, Mental Health Nurse


Jigsaw Clinican

I’m a Mental Health Nurse. Supporting young people’s mental health has always been a great passion of mine. Jigsaw is an amazing place to do just that. I love swimming, music, singing and puns too.

Work and Study

I have a BSC in Mental Health Nursing, and a post grad in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health. I also hold a diploma in in Coaching with Neuroscience.

I worked with young people for ten years in The Adolescent Day hospital in Fairview. I was also a Clinical Nurse Specialist in CAMHS, before moving to Jigsaw in 2020.

Shola Adekunle, Youth & Community Engagement Worker


Youth & Community Engagement Worker

My name is Shola Adekunle and I am a Youth & Community Engagement Worker with Jigsaw Dublin 15. I was born in Nigeria and migrated to Ireland in the 90s. I am an Irish citizen.

Study and work

I received a BA Hons degree in Religion & Business Admin from Andrews University, Michigan USA. I have a certificate in Community Addiction Studies from Kildare & Wicklow Education & Training Board. I also hold certificates in Equality Studies and Community Development & Leadership from Maynooth University. From Maynooth too, I went on to complete a masters in Community Development & Youth Work.

Prior to joining Jigsaw, I volunteered with Foróige for many years. I also worked as a Youth Worker at In Sync – Youth and Family Services, and SWAN Youth Service.


Senior Jigsaw Clinican

I qualified as a Mental Health Nurse with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing from DCU in 2016. I completed a Post Grad Dip in Dementia Studies from Trinity College Dublin in 2021. I have also completed training and workshops in areas including Compassion Focused Therapy, Mindfulness, Wellness Recovery Action Planning, Trauma Informed Bereavement, LGBTQ+ Awareness & Inclusion in Healthcare, Risk Assessment and Safety Planning. In 2022, I decided to return to my passion of working with young people with mental health needs and began working at Jigsaw. In my spare time I enjoy cooking for others, eating at newly opened restaurants, listening to a good true crime podcast, spending time with my dog Mary, and heading out on woodland walks to do some foraging.

I worked in both Adolescent and Adult Mental Health Services in Dublin in various settings including Acute Adolescent Day Hospital and Inpatient units, Acute Adult Assessment, Community Services and Mental Health Rehabilitation Services. I then spent 2 years working in Psychiatry of Later life.  I developed a keen interest in enhancing the lives of people living with dementia and experiencing acute psychiatric difficulties. To improve my knowledge and skills, I completed a Post Grad Dip in Dementia Studies.


Jigsaw Clinican

I am a fully qualified psychotherapist, having graduated with a degree from the Integrative Institute of Counselling and Psychotherapy [IICP] in 2015. I am also a fully accredited member of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy [IACP].

Work and Study

I started my career in the social care sector, working with children living in residential care. I them returned to education to fulfil my dream of becoming a therapist. I attained a diploma in psychoanalytical psychotherapy, and afterwards a degree in integrative counselling and psychotherapy, with a particular emphasis on a person-centred approach.

Before coming to Jigsaw, I worked as a counsellor in the employment assistance sector, where people accessed counselling support through their employment for a wide range of issues. Prior to this, I worked on a one-to-one basis in a private capacity with clients.

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Jigaw Clinican

My name is Romy and I'm one of the Jigsaw Clinicians in Dublin 15. What attracted me to Jigsaw is how our teams are made up of people from all walks of life. I also think it's important how valued young people's voices are in shaping the organisation as a whole. I've always had an interest in mental health and would advocate for a service like Jigsaw in every community around Ireland.

Study and Work

I qualified as a Social Worker from Trinity College Dublin in 2019 and from there, worked in Child Protection Services, hospitals and in the community. I worked with young people in social care settings as well and this sparked my interest in working with this age group. Outside of work I enjoy rugby, the gym and pizza!