Jigsaw Kerry


Meet the team and find out all the details you need to get in touch with the Jigsaw service in Kerry, for youth mental health support.

Getting Started




Address: Unit A1
Edward Court
Co. Kerry
V92 XE33

Jigsaw in Kerry is wheelchair accessible.

Get Directions

Opening Hours

  • Monday 9am - 1pm, 2pm – 5.30pm
  • Tuesday 9am - 1pm, 2pm – 5.30pm
  • Wednesday 9am - 1pm, 2pm – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 10.00am - 1pm, 2pm – 7pm
  • Friday 9am - 1pm, 2pm – 4.30pm
  • Saturday -Closed
  • Sunday -Closed

Closed: The Mondays of Bank Holidays

About us

Jigsaw Kerry is a free, non-judgemental, and confidential mental health support service for young people aged 12 – 25 living, working, or studying in Co Kerry. We provide guidance and support for young people who are going through a difficult or distressing time. We also provide advice and guidance for anyone concerned about a young person in their life.

Jigsaw services aim to provide tailored community-based help for young people’s mental health needs.

Working with the community

As well as directly helping young people in tough times, we want to work towards a community that is supportive of mental health and wellbeing.

Presentations and talks in schools, workplaces, and community groups aim to open up a discussion on mental health and raise awareness of the support Jigsaw Kerry can offer.

>> Check out what workshops we offer.

Direct support for young people

Our service in Tralee, Co Kerry provides a welcoming space for young people to get information or have a chat with a clinician. If a young person wants support, our staff are there to listen, without making judgements, and to provide supportive guidance. We also provide information and advice to anyone worried about a friend or young person in their life.

We also aim to provide our service in Killarney and Listowel through outreach centres. Call us for more information on availability for these locations.

At Jigsaw, we believe it is vital to make sure young people’s voices are heard. Our Youth Advocates represent us and take part in decision-making at every level.

Tell us about your experience

At Jigsaw, we care passionately about what we do and strive to give young people the best possible support for their mental health. If you are happy, or unhappy, with our service in any way, let us know by completing our online feedback form.

Please select the option best suited to you:

Supportive Organisations

Jigsaw Kerry is working in partnership with a range of organisations working with young people including:

  • Education Centre Tralee
  • Family Resource Centres
  • Kerry GAA
  • Health Service Executive
  • Institute of Technology Tralee
  • Kerry Education and Training Board
  • Kerry Mental Health Association
  • Kerry Diocesan Youth Services
  • Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service
  • Kerry Local Sports Partnership
  • Kerry Intervention and Disabilities Service
  • Meitheal Forbarthna na Gaeltachta Teoranta
  • National Educational Psychologist Service
  • North and East Kerry Development
  • South Kerry Development Partnership
  • South West Counselling Centre

Meet the Jigsaw Kerry team

Raedin O’Connor

Raedin O’Connor


Raedin is a Clinical Support Worker at Jigsaw Kerry. Raedin was delighted to return home to her native Kerry and take up a post working with young people and promoting positive mental health in the community.

  • Raedin O’Connor
  • Catherina Casey
  • Mary Scott

Study and work

Raedin qualified as an Occupational Therapist from Sheffield Hallam University in 2013. She worked in Adult Mental Health in the United Kingdom after qualifying.

A photo of our staff member Raedin
A photo of our staff member Catherina
A picture of our staff member Mary
A photo of our staff member Raedin

Raedin O’Connor


Raedin is a Clinical Support Worker at Jigsaw Kerry. Raedin was delighted to return home to her native Kerry and take up a post working with young people and promoting positive mental health in the community.

Study and work

Raedin qualified as an Occupational Therapist from Sheffield Hallam University in 2013. She worked in Adult Mental Health in the United Kingdom after qualifying.

A photo of our staff member Catherina

Catherina Casey

Office Administrator

Triona is the Office Administrator in Jigsaw Kerry. She enjoys being involved in the promotion of positive youth mental health and providing administrative support to the team.

Study and work

She has an honours degree in BSc Public Health and Health Promotion. She has also worked as a Special needs Assistant.

A picture of our staff member Mary

Mary Scott

Senior Clinician

My role is working with young people providing one-to-one support. I journey with the young person to help identify their strengths, talk through their challenges, and explore ways forward.

Study and work: I originally studied Law and received a Degree in Legal and Business Studies in WIT. I went on to complete Law exams which allowed me entry to Blackhall Law Society. However, around this time I started undertaking volunteer work and I found it very fulfilling. I subsequently went a different route and went on to complete a Higher Diploma in Social Policy and a Masters in Social Work in UCC. I worked in Legal Aid and volunteered with the Simon Community and in an Asylum Seekers Drop-in Centre. I worked part-time in both Brothers of Charity and Children in Care at the same time. I then worked in CAMHS Limerick for over two years. I really enjoyed it and I had the privilege of working with young people and their families.

Take a virtual tour of our service