Jigsaw Tipperary


Meet the team and find out all the details you need to get in touch with the Jigsaw service in Tipperary, for youth mental health support.

Getting Started


Telephone: 0504 60023



Address: G2
Innovation Works 3,
Tipperary Technology Park,
Co. Tipperary.
E41 XF75

Jigsaw in Tipperary is wheelchair accessible

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Opening Hours

  • Monday 9am – 1pm, 2pm – 5.30pm
  • Tuesday 10.00am - 2pm, 3pm - 7pm
  • Wednesday 9am – 1pm, 2pm – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 9am – 1pm, 2pm – 5.30pm
  • Friday 9am – 1pm, 2pm – 4.30pm
  • Saturday - Closed
  • Sunday - Closed

Closed: The Mondays of Bank Holidays

As well as directly helping young people in tough times, we work towards a community that is supportive of mental health and wellbeing.

Presentations and talks in schools, workplaces and community groups open up discussions on mental health, and raise people’s awareness of the support Jigsaw Tipperary can offer.

Working with young people

At Jigsaw, we believe it is vital to make sure young people’s voices are heard. Our Youth Advocates represent us and take part in decision making at every level.

Tell us about your experience

At Jigsaw, we care passionately about what we do and strive to give young people the best possible support with their mental health. If you are happy, or unhappy, with our service in any way, let us know by completing our online feedback form.

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Meet the Jigsaw Tipperary Team

Laurna Roche

Laurna Roche


My role is to provide mental health support to the young people of Tipperary. In collaboration with the young person, I support them in exploring what their current needs are and aid them in identifying ways in which they can overcome their challenges and then help them work towards achieving their individual goals.

  • Laurna Roche
  • Katy Croke
  • Emer Leahy

Study and Work: I am born and bred in Cork, the real capital! I love GAA and enjoy a great day out in Croke Park! I also have particular interest in sport and mental health. I attended University of Limerick and qualified as a mental health nurse in 2015. I then moved to Dublin where I worked in the central mental hospital in Dublin in forensic care.

I then traveled Asia and ended up in Australia where i worked for another year in forensic nursing with aboriginal people and young adolescents involved in forensic mental health services. After returning to work in Ireland I completed a postgraduate degree in University College Cork in Specialist Mental Health . Prior to joining Jigsaw I worked as a community mental health nurse in cork where i worked with people in the community for short term interventions and also long-term care. besides work I have also completed numerous fundraisers with my family for Pieta House including sky dives, hikes and mountain climbs.

Photo of Laurna Roche, Clinican, Jigsaw Tipperary Service
Photo of Katy Croke, Clinical Manager, Jigsaw Tipperary Service
Emer Fahy photo
Photo of Laurna Roche, Clinican, Jigsaw Tipperary Service

Laurna Roche


My role is to provide mental health support to the young people of Tipperary. In collaboration with the young person, I support them in exploring what their current needs are and aid them in identifying ways in which they can overcome their challenges and then help them work towards achieving their individual goals.

Study and Work: I am born and bred in Cork, the real capital! I love GAA and enjoy a great day out in Croke Park! I also have particular interest in sport and mental health. I attended University of Limerick and qualified as a mental health nurse in 2015. I then moved to Dublin where I worked in the central mental hospital in Dublin in forensic care.

I then traveled Asia and ended up in Australia where i worked for another year in forensic nursing with aboriginal people and young adolescents involved in forensic mental health services. After returning to work in Ireland I completed a postgraduate degree in University College Cork in Specialist Mental Health . Prior to joining Jigsaw I worked as a community mental health nurse in cork where i worked with people in the community for short term interventions and also long-term care. besides work I have also completed numerous fundraisers with my family for Pieta House including sky dives, hikes and mountain climbs.

Photo of Katy Croke, Clinical Manager, Jigsaw Tipperary Service

Katy Croke

Clinical Manager

I was born and raised in Tipperary and am delighted to be back home to support the mental health of young people in my home county. I believe that young people are absolute legends and feel privileged to be working with them in this way.

Study and work: Prior to setting up Jigsaw Tipperary, I worked in Jigsaw Limerick for 4 years as Senior Clinician.

Before that I worked privately as a counselling psychologist in Tipperary for 6 years, with a focus on providing one to one therapy for adolescents and young people. I have a degree in applied psychology and a masters in Counselling Psychology, both from UCC.


Emer Fahy photo

Emer Leahy

Service Manager

As a Tipperary woman I was delighted to take on the role of service manager with Jigsaw Tipperary in June 2023. My professional journey initially took me to far flung regions of Southeast Asia, where I worked for almost 20 years in the International Development sector. On my return to Tipp I joined the local Meet & Train and I’m now one of those slightly crazy people that can be found running the rural roads of Tipp in all weathers.

I have an undergraduate and master’s degree in anthropology, sociology, and International Development. I am passionate about social inclusion, social justice, and youth engagement and participation. The main areas of my work overseas were in rural development, sustainable livelihoods, and local governance. On my return to Ireland, I managed a large community resource centre working with families and communities in disadvantaged areas and supporting young people with a disability access education and employment.