
Research and evaluation strategy for 2020 – 2023

Research and evaluation strategy for 2020 – 2023

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

We are happy to announce our new research and evaluation strategy which will span the next four years.

At Jigsaw, research and evaluation are a huge part of what we do, with many successes to date, including: Developing an electronic evaluation and case management system for use in Jigsaw services that is core to evaluating, monitoring and enhancing the evidence base for our work Publishing two national youth mental health surveys, most recently the second My World Survey, in partnership with UCD School of Psychology Disseminating our research and evaluation work nationally and internationally.


The new strategy sets out a really ambitious goal of establishing Jigsaw as a leading and trusted source of youth mental health information by undertaking pioneering research, robust evaluation and producing transformative evidence, to advance the mental health of young people aged 12-25 years.

There are three key strategic priorities:

  • Pioneering research
  • Robust evaluation
  • Transformative evidence.


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