Raise Your Game: Host your own

Raise Your Game: Host your own

Raise Your Game: Host your own

Streamers assemble – set up your very own live stream gaming fundraiser! Gather your community, choose your player and raise your game for youth mental health.

Link your Twitch account to your JustGiving page to live stream in aid of Jigsaw. Go retro, play the latest release, whatever you like! Invite a select few or promote your stream to a wider audience. You choose the length and the day!

Sign up for more information below or create a fundraising page here to Raise Your Game right away. We will provide you with a special supporter pack to help you. Check out our FAQs below for any queries you might have.

raise your game for Jigsaw logo with headphones

Sign up for information and support

We’re here to support you with your Raise Your Game stream and any questions you might have.

For more information about fundraising for Jigsaw, please read our fundraising terms and conditions.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a live stream fundraiser?

    A live stream fundraiser is a live video broadcast on a specific platform (in this case, YouTube and Twitch), hosted by an individual or a group of people. You stream yourself/friends/family doing an activity, like playing video games or music, for a dedicated length of time asking for donations throughout.

  • How do I Raise my Game?

    Choose a date to stream and set up a fundraising page here! Connect your Twitch account to it and when you begin your live stream, your stream will show on your fundraising page simultaneously. Ask for donations and share your page with as many people as possible!

    Contact Saoirse.hackett@jigsaw.ie for more info.

  • How do I live stream?

    You need a strong, stable internet connection. You will need a laptop or desktop PC and a quiet room.

    Check out more info here on what you need when thinking about live streaming.

  • Can I stream if my content is only suitable for those aged 18+?

    You can still stream for Jigsaw as long as you set up a profanity warning on your channel and follow the Twitch guidelines. Please do not promote your stream to a young audience.

    Jigsaw take no responsibility for any opinions or attitudes expressed in your live stream.

  • How do I promote my stream?

    It’s important to share your fundraising page with your friends, family and peers as much as possible. On the day of the stream, post to your social channels and let everyone know you’re going live.

    Tag us at Jigsaw_YMH on Instagram and JigsawYMH on all other social channels so we can follow your fundraiser!

  • How do I raise funds?

    Raise funds by creating a fundraising page here and sharing it with as many people as possible. Post on social about your live stream and let everyone know they can donate!

  • How long should I stream for?

    You can stream for as little or as long as you want! The best streams typically last a minimum of 3 hours. For more info on streaming, check out Twitch’s info here.

  • What equipment do I need to stream?

    You need a strong, stable internet connection. You will need a laptop or desktop PC and a quiet room.

    Check out more info here on what you need when thinking about live streaming.

  • What games can I play?

    You can play any games you want to play!

    If the game you are playing is not suitable for all ages, please do not promote your stream to a young audience. You can still stream for Jigsaw as long as you set up a profanity warning on your channel and follow the Twitch guidelines.

    Jigsaw take no responsibility for any opinions or attitudes expressed in your live stream.

  • What’s JustGiving?

    JustGiving is a platform for online giving! JustGiving allows supporters to create fundraising pages that they can share with peers to gather donations. Donations are processed securely and are transferred to charities on a monthly basis.

  • Where do the funds go?

    Jigsaw offer expert mental health advice and support, online and in person, to young people across Ireland, aged 12 – 25 years old. Our vision is for an Ireland where every young person’s mental health is valued and supported.

    By supporting Jigsaw, we will be able to help more young people like Ricky:

    “It was like someone took my hand and put away all the shadows. I was able to leave Jigsaw with my head held high and walk out confident, knowing that I had the skills I needed to deal with whatever came up.”

    And we can continue to be there as young people like Ricky face challenges to their mental health during the pandemic and beyond.