Learning intentions
- Consider the importance of healthy digital boundaries
- Discuss solutions to sleep disruption.
Junior cycle
40 mins
Minding myself and others
Louise's story

Louise finds it difficult to switch off , even though she needs a break from her devices.
Watch this scenario in class and ask students to discuss Louise's story, write down reflections or answer questions from the Think tank worksheet below.
I'm just tired and can't sleep

This animation was developed for Jigsaw by students in the Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.
After watching this video in class discuss solutions to lack of sleep or write down a reflection using the writing prompt below.
Here are some writing prompt questions for your class after watching 'I'm just tired and I can't sleep' video.
Is it hard for me to fall asleep almost every night?
Do I feel more restless during the day and wide awake at night?
How can I practice a good routine before sleep?

Sleep and mental health

Ask Jigsaw: Sleeping is almost impossible