Family dynamics

Finding a balance of opinions can be difficult in a family unit. A young person needs to feel comfortable and supported with the choices they make. Use these resources to support young people to explore these ideas.

Learning intentions

  • Understand different types of challenges within the family unit
  • Discuss strategies on how to navigate these challenges.
level icon

Junior cycle
Senior cycle

Duration icon

30 mins

Modules icon

Team up
Emotional health
SE Relationships

Family dynamics: Joe's story

a collage of a young male with the text Joe's story

In this scenario, Joe is experiencing anxiety around starting secondary school and his dad’s potential job loss. 
Watch this scenario in class and ask students to discuss Joe's story using the worksheet below.

Family dynamics: academic pressure

a still of a young male and his female guardian at a dinner table

In this scenario, Colm is feeling the pressure of getting accepted to college. Not only does he feel pressure from his Mum but he also is feeling pressure from himself.
Watch this scenario in class and ask students to answer questions from the discussion prompts below.

Group discussion

What are the issues that Colm is facing?
What do you think is the most worrying for him?
Do you think it is something Colm can overcome?
Who can Colm ask for help?

Further reading for your students
a lineup of family rubber boots, tallest to shortest

Family conflict

Family conflict can be distressing. Learn how to deal with this conflict with advice from a Jigsaw clinician.
An icon of a paper and pen on a teal background

Ask Jigsaw: I can't stand being in this house

I'm 18 and I don't really have the means to go out on my own but I can't stand being in this house.
picture of a person wearing converse runners standing on a white painted line

Maintaining boundaries

Boundaries demonstrate what we think is acceptable, or unacceptable, in peoples’ behaviour towards us.