How can young people connect to Jigsaw Live Chat?
- By visiting the Jigsaw online chat portal and registering to a live text service
- Any time of day or night young people can email Live Chat and we can respond during our opening hours
- Every Wednesday we offer a live group chat service from 4 to 5pm. The topic of this chat is decided based on the noted demand of what young people might be currently experiencing.
Junior and Senior cycle
Exploring Jigsaw Live Chat

Online Clinical Manager, Mary Clare answers Youth Advocate Jack's questions about Jigsaw Live Chat.
The online team are available to be the one good adult in that moment and will listen in a non-judgemental way to what a young person is sharing.
Further reading
Jigsaw Live Chat - FAQ
Jigsaw Live Chat is a way to get support if you're aged between 12 - 25 years-old. Our trained staff host 1:1 webchats, Monday-Friday.
Jigsaw Group Chats
Group chats are live discussions online on mental health themes, facilitated by a clinician, for young people aged 12 - 25 in Ireland.
Ten minutes with Mary Clare Douglas
Mary Clare Douglas is our Clinical Online Services Manager and we recently caught up with her to talk about Jigsaw’s online services.