
Take Action!

Take Action!

Take Action! FAQs


What is the Take Action! programme?

Take Action! is a youth mental health promotion programme for schools. It will support young people to develop their mental health literacy, practise skills for minding their mental health and raise awareness of mental health across their school community. It covers a range of topics such as; understanding our mental health, help-seeking, themes and strategies related to minding our mental health and promoting and hosting a mental health awareness fundraising event.

What age is Take Action! suitable for?

Take Action! has been designed for 14-16 year olds.

What are the requirements for schools to take part?

Schools who wish to take part should nominate a teacher who will support the implementation of the programme in their school. This teacher will need to complete a short online training course, after which they will be able to access the programme resources. We also ask that teachers make a pre and post-evaluation survey link available to participating students and provide Jigsaw with information about the number of students involved in Take Action! at the end of the implementation.

What support will schools receive?

Teachers leading the programme will have access to a Teacher Guidance Document and the Take Action! workbook for students. This workbook can be shared digitally with students or schools can print copies

All programme resources can be found on Jigsaw’s Learning Management System jigsaw.learnupon.com. Teachers must create a LearnUpon account to access the programme resources. They will receive an invitation email after they have registered for the programme.

How do schools implement the Take Action! programme?

Take Action! consists of 13 modules, with a mix of information and activities for students to complete. This includes a final section where young people plan and host an awareness and fundraising event for Jigsaw. Teachers can implement the programme in a way that meets the needs of their school. Teachers can use the resources in planned lessons, as part of extra-curricular clubs or in a more self-directed way with young people.

How is my school’s participation recognised?

Once your students have completed Take Action!, teachers will have access to a self-print certificate, which recognises their participation in the programme. Take Action! is also endorsed by Gaisce and can be completed as a Gaisce bronze award under the area of personal skills.

my take action journey banner

How to I get involved?

If you would like to register your school for Take Action!, please complete the registration form by accessing this link: jigsawymh.typeform.com/to/OYTxfIaK.

What will my Take Action! journey look like?

  1. Nominated teacher will receive an email asking them to create a LearnUpon account
  2. Log into jigsaw.learnupon.com and access the Take Action! online training course
  3. Download the programme resources and share these with your students
  4. Students complete a pre-evaluation survey
  5. Complete 13-week Take Action! programme
  6. Return any fundraising money to Jigsaw
  7. Students complete post-evaluation survey
  8. On programme completion, teachers can present students with their digital Take Action! certificates.