Group Chats

Group Chats

Jigsaw Group Chats

Jigsaw Group Chats are for young people between 12 and 25 living in Ireland. These are live online texted-based discussions on mental health themes.

Group chats are safe spaces where you can talk to your peers about what you are going through. It is an opportunity for you to be supported and support people that are going through similar situations. These group chats are facilitated by a clinician.

Register via the Jigsaw Live Chat portal anonymously.


Register now


3 blank speech bubbles on a purple background

1:1 support

If you would prefer to chat online 1:1, then you can register for Jigsaw Live Chat.

Speak 1 to 1 with trained Jigsaw staff:

  • Monday from 1 – 4.30 pm
  • Wednesday from 1 – 4.30 pm
  • Thursday from 2 – 7.30 pm
  • Group chat guidelines


    To create a safe and supportive environment, bear the following in mind:

    • Your words matter: talk to people kindly and with respect. You might not always agree with someone’s views, and that’s OK. Make sure to share your own thoughts without belittling someone else’s.
    • Think about the language you use. Avoid offensive, sexually explicit or discriminatory comments.
    • We want to maintain everyone’s privacy. Don’t use real names, contact details or share anything that could identify you. This could be names of friends or school etc. 
    • Please do not share links to other websites in the chat.
    • You are welcome because you are you. You don’t need to pretend to be someone else, we appreciate your honesty and openness.
  • Certain topics are sensitive and best discussed one-to-one


    Certain topics are sensitive and best discussed one to one. They may spark memories, feelings or emotions that are difficult for you or others.  We ask you don’t discuss these topics during the group chats.

    *Although if any of the following situations are relevant to you, make sure to talk about your experiences with someone you trust.


    These topics include:

    • Descriptions of self-harm injuries or methods
    • Specific details of eating disorders (weight, eating behaviours etc)
    • Details of experience of abuse or trauma
    • Anything that involves a legal issue/ criminal offence.
    • If you are feeling suicidal at the moment then individual support would be a better option. Please take a look at ‘need urgent help’.
  • Consent and confidentiality


    Our priority is to ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone participating in the group session.


    When you sign up for a group, you will be asked for an email address, location, age and a username (not your real name). We will retain a record of these, a text record of the session and any evaluation form completed.

    These will be stored electronically on a secure server for no longer than seven years after you engage with Jigsaw Live Chat, and if you are under-18, information about you will be stored for seven years from when you turn 18.

    Information that does not identify individuals may be archived and used by Jigsaw for audit, evaluation and scientific research purposes to ensure that is working well for young people.


    If we have serious concerns for the safety of someone participating in the group, we may contact them directly by the email provided. We will try to arrange appropriate 1:1 support. In extreme circumstances, we may need to share information, such as an IP address with other services if we are concerned that a person is at immediate risk of harm.


    You have the right to refuse any information about you being recorded in the way described above and to withdraw consent at any time by emailing