Together: Goal 2

Together: Goal 2

Build a high-performing organisation

Together, Jigsaw’s Organisational Strategy 2022-2025 sets out our vision for the period 2022-2025. The aim is to help create an Irish society where every young person’s mental health will be valued and supported.

The second of our two-fold priority to achieve this objective is:

Goal 2: Build a high-performing organisation, fit for the future

Read more about our first goal, to achieve better mental health outcomes for young people.


1. People

We need talented people (staff, board and volunteers) who possess the necessary skills and values to produce the right culture here


We want to create a high-performing workplace that supports the achievement of better mental health outcomes for young people.

To do this, we need talented people (staff, board, and volunteers), possessing the necessary skills and values to produce the right culture here. It should align with our vision and mission, offer opportunity, and a sense of ownership and belonging as well.


  • Maximise strategic workforce and resource planning to better attract and retain talented people.
  • Build and support leaders for the future.
  • Continue to foster a people-focused, values-led workplace.

2. Technology

For an ever changing landscape, we must develop a more technology-enhanced approach to all areas of our work.

Woman sitting in front of laptop in an office


There is increasing demand for our mental health services and supports. These requirements are on top of evolving expectations from our internal and external stakeholders.

For this ever-changing landscape, we must develop a more technology-enhanced approach to all areas of our work. The method must also take into account a heightened awareness of the impact of climate change.


  • Strengthen our technological capacity to better deliver on our strategic priorities.
  • Harness the opportunities technology affords to enhance organisational processes, improve productivity, drive efficiencies and reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Improve public-facing offerings by providing seamless digital experiences from first contact to last for all those that interact with us.
Two young women on Howth head for Jigsaw's Hike for hope event

3. Funding

It is only through collective action with a range of public and private funders, we can achieve our organisational ambitions


It is only through collective action with a range of public and private funders, we can achieve our organisational ambitions.

In developing a strategic approach to funding, we can strengthen the capacity of our organisation. This will also allow for growth, evaluation, innovation, and service development.


  • Develop a sustainable, diverse and multi-annual funding structure.
  • Develop strategic and productive alliances to expand funding opportunities.
  • Continue to inspire communities to help us fund our ambitious plans.
  • Maintain and grow our commitments to be accountable, demonstrate cost-effectiveness and provide transparency in all areas of our funding.

4. Evidence

Good quality evidence is widely recognised as a key contributor to improving youth mental health services

Clinician atwhiteboard presenting to two women in the foreground


Good quality evidence is widely recognised as a key contributor to improving youth mental health services. It is vital in delivering better outcomes for young people.

We have a history of contributing evidence to the emerging area of youth mental health and evaluating the supports we provide. Building on this, we will strive to generate additional evidence from research and evaluation that is innovative, reliable, and influential.


  • Conduct focused research to drive understanding of youth mental health needs, mental health literacy, and effective mental health supports.
  • Continue to invest in robust evaluation so evidence is driving decision-making across all levels of the organisation.
  • Produce quality evidence to strengthen our reputation and to influence societal change, policy, and practice