Youth Research Council

The Youth Research Council provides guidance and support to Jigsaw’s Research and Evaluation team across all areas of work relevant to youth voice and engagement

Youth Research Council

Youth Research Council

Jigsaw’s Research and Evaluation Strategy 2020-2023 seeks to increase young people’s involvement in research so that it is relevant, engaging and achieves maximum impact.

A key objective of this strategy was the development of a Youth Research Council (YRC), which provides guidance and support to Jigsaw’s Research and Evaluation team across all areas of work relevant to youth voice and engagement including:

Providing input on new areas of research for potential investigation and advising on research currently underway.

  • Supporting/contributing to the development of research questions, research designs and recruitment of participants.
  • Assisting in the development of ideas around how to share our findings to ensure Jigsaw research reaches its target audience.
  • Participating in research and advocating for the involvement of young people at all stages of the research process.

The YRC usually consists of between 9-12 members including relevant Jigsaw staff, R&E Youth Advocates and young people selected through an application process.