About Jigsaw

About Jigsaw

About Jigsaw

At Jigsaw, we are here to make sure that every young person’s mental health is valued and supported.

Mental health can affect every aspect of a young person’s life. We believe every young person must have the support that’s right for them, whatever they are going through.

Picture of a young woman laughing with others outside
Our vision is for an Ireland where every young person’s mental health is valued and supported.
Banner of young people at conference with paper airplanes
We understand how mental health can affect a young person’s life.
Picture of attendants in a crowd
We are a team of supporters, professionals and volunteers who are passionate about supporting young people’s mental health.
Four women from the My World Survey 2 research team
We are at the forefront of understanding the mental health needs and experiences of young people.
clinicians laughing at a workshop
To help us achieve our mission, we work with dedicated, compassionate and highly experienced people across a range of disciplines.
three young people sitting on a step
We have a responsibility towards all of those stakeholders who trust us with their money, time and energy.
young woman at a workshop
Keep up to date with latest news on Jigsaw’s services, campaigns and fundraising efforts.