Fundraising terms and conditions

Fundraising terms and conditions

Fundraising terms and conditions

Jigsaw adheres to the highest standards of openness, transparency, and governance, so we do ask you to please read our terms and conditions before embarking on any fundraising activity.

Authorisation to fundraise for Jigsaw

1. Individual, clubs, groups, or schools

All individuals, clubs, groups, companies, or schools who plan to fundraise for Jigsaw must first complete the fundraising event form   before undertaking any fundraising for Jigsaw.

2. Business, corporate partners or sponsors

All businesses or corporates who would like to discuss partnering with Jigsaw as part of their Charity of the Year, Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Sponsorship must first complete our corporate sponsor’s form.

Fundraising authorisation process

Once all completed forms are submitted; they are reviewed within 24 hours by a fundraising team member.

If the proposed fundraiser is deemed acceptable, under our terms and conditions, you will be issued a Jigsaw Heroes Pack, within three working days. This contains a formal letter of authorisation to fundraise, Jigsaw’s fundraising guide book, our ‘in aid of Jigsaw’ logo pack and any promotional materials requested (availability depends on supplies).

If there are any changes to details provided in this form, please notify Jigsaw prior to the event or fundraiser taking place.

In the case where the fundraiser is not deemed acceptable and therefore not authorised, we will inform you in writing of this decision within three working days of your submission.

Fundraising support

Use of Jigsaw’s names and logos

Once your fundraising event or initiative has been authorised, we will send you an ‘in aid of Jigsaw’ logo pack.  Please follow all the guidance on using our logo in this pack.  

Prior approval must be sought from Jigsaw for any printed materials, advertisements, media materials, and releases associated with the event. 


Jigsaw’s insurance does not extend to volunteer or third-party fundraising events. In these cases, we recommend you seek independent insurance advice for all planned fundraising activities.

Fundraising activities

Collections and permits

If you are planning any form of fundraising that involves a public collection or a raffle, please contact your local Garda station regarding the necessary permits.

Door-to-door collections

Jigsaw do not authorise any fundraiser that involves door-to-door collections.

Sponsorship and in-kind gifts

If you plan to solicit contributions, sponsorship, or in-kind gifts from businesses, please provide us with a list of potential business sponsors for review and approval prior to approaching. A list of all goods and services donated by companies should be submitted when making the final remittance to Jigsaw.

Sale of CDs, books, songs, calendars, and similar items in aid of Jigsaw.

If you plan to produce items such as CDs, books, songs, calendars etc, and donate a portion or all funds raised to Jigsaw, you are solely responsible for the co-ordination and management of the project. This includes distribution, sales, finances, and publicity.

We also do not promote or sell any such item in our local Jigsaw services.

PR and marketing

We do not provide direct PR and marketing support to your event; however, we are happy to provide support on social media where possible and agreed in advance.

Funding raised

Cash handling and banking

To comply with best practice and to protect the organisers of the event, it is recommended that at least two people are involved with the counting and remitting of proceeds.

Submitting of funds raised to Jigsaw

All proceeds raised from your fundraising event or initiative must be submitted to Jigsaw within 30 days of the conclusion of the event. Here is a list of all the ways you can get funds raised to us.

Jigsaw Fundraising Events and Initiatives

By signing up to a fundraising event or challenge organised by Jigsaw, all participants accept that they do so at their own risk and confirm that they will not hold Jigsaw responsible for any accident/injury incurred while they are taking part in the fundraising event or challenge.

For further terms and conditions please visit

If you have any queries, concerns, or require any further information on fundraising or donating to Jigsaw, please get in touch.

Call: 01 472 7010
