
My Pride story

My Pride story

Friday, 24 June 2022

This is a personal story written for us by one of our young volunteers.

My name is Savannah. I am a Youth Advocate with Jigsaw Dublin City North.

Pride means that I am able to live my life with dignity, integrity, courage, joy, love and in community with others without fear of being ridiculed, shamed or discriminated against.

I feel so passionately about the importance of Pride, not only for myself, my fellow LGBTQIA+ community, but people all over Ireland.

Pride should be a celebrated and encouraged event nationwide and this is why I am so excited to be walking in Pride on the 25 June 2022 for the first time ever with Jigsaw.

group of people smiling and painting


It always looked so fun, freeing, and inclusive.


Jigsaw has been involved in Pride over the years. It always looked so fun, freeing, and inclusive. This one will be particularly special as it will be the first in-person Pride since 2019, due to COVID-19.

My fellow Youth Advocates and I were very excited when our lovely Youth and Community Engagement Worker (YCEW) Cian told us that we would have the opportunity to walk in Pride.

At these meetings we listened to music, painted, chatted, laughed, took photos and expressed much excitement for Pride. This is an experience I will cherish and never forget.


We immediately started our planning! We’ve had loads of meetings and workshops where we came together to plan our Pride. We brainstormed ideas for our placards and banners and we came up with the concept for painting the window in Jigsaw Essex street.

At these meetings we listened to music, painted, chatted, laughed, took photos and expressed much excitement for Pride. This is an experience I will cherish and never forget.

The process felt empowering and made me feel like I was really being heard and that this group of people were truly paying attention to one another and encouraging one another’s ideas. We agreed on our hashtag/slogan to be #PrideInMind, because it showcases the connection between Mental Health and Pride.


I have found these activities so rewarding and fun. I have learned so much.

Jigsaw Essex street pride 2022 window design


Our creative day was then posted on Instagram and Tiktok! We will also be hosting a takeover of the Jigsaw social media for Pride, this will allow us to get even more creative with content!

I have found these activities so rewarding and fun. I have learned so much. It’s important to remember there’s still so much work to be done and this is why Pride continues.

Planning for Pride has been so important – not only for me but for everyone involved – it has meant that we have heard more stories, new ideologies and new terms and insights into how we can all do more every day to be more inclusive and inquisitive about Pride.

close up of phone from behind with jigsaw branding

Follow us

Follow our Pride adventure on Instagram.



I have learned to voice my opinion/thoughts more. I’ve learned about diversity in my community and the importance of Pride. I feel a greater sense of belonging within Jigsaw and to my community.

I have learned that you’re never truly alone. Some people have had bad coming-out experiences, but there are supports available and you will find your tribe. You are worthy.

Happy Pride, stay safe and have an amazing time. ?️‍??️‍⚧️

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