
Navigating Leaving Cert result stress

Navigating Leaving Cert result stress

Friday, 18 August 2023

On Friday, 25 August, young people will be getting their Leaving Cert results.

The wait beforehand can be an anxious and stressful time for many. Here we share helpful tips and advice gathered from our team of mental health professionals and other young people who have been there.

Remember to give yourself credit

No matter how your results turn out, you deserve to celebrate your hard work. And remember, your exams do not define your worth.

Take your time

Moving forward is personal. Don’t rush. Give yourself space to figure things out. Check in with yourself now and again about how you are feeling. If you are worried or stressed sometimes, that is OK. It is normal to feel that way. But don’t be afraid to seek help if you feel you need it.

young people laughing in school setting

Keep your routine

Stay busy to distract yourself from stress. Do an activity that you enjoy to help take your mind off the results.

Don’t compare

Everyone’s unique. Don’t measure yourself by others’ achievements. What matters is your journey, not what others are doing.

Talk it out

Don’t hold your worries in. Talk to friends or family. You’re not alone—others will be feeling the same way.

Plan for both possibilities

Exams don’t always go as planned. Research what happens if things don’t work out, but focus on the positives too. Remember, there’s a lot of different paths to reach your destination. And the most direct one isn’t always the best.

Keep your routine

Stay busy to distract yourself from stress. Do an activity that you enjoy to help take your mind off the results. This could be going for a walk, heading to the gym, or meeting up with friends. Enjoying your usual hobbies and maintaining your routine can really help.

Get plenty of rest

Sleep is good for you. Make sure your mind and body have plenty of time to rest and unwind.

young woman sleeping

Stay grounded

Social media can make you feel pressured. Don’t get caught up in comparing results. Your success is your own, no matter what others share.

Get plenty of rest

Sleep is good for you. Make sure your mind and body have plenty of time to rest and unwind. If your mind is really whirling and keeping you awake, it can help to write down some of your thoughts to get them out and work through them.

Make it easy on yourself on the day

If you are going to get your results online, it can help to have logins written down somewhere that you can quickly access. If you are going into school to pick them up, check what time you are supposed to arrive at. Results day will be hectic enough, so try not to add any extra stressors for yourself.

Get support on the day

Steady yourself for a mix of emotions. You might be sad, overwhelmed, happy or excited all at once or throughout the day. This is totally younormal, and it is helpful to acknowledge all that you’re feeling. Think about how to help yourself when you’re stressed. Would getting out for a walk, chatting to a friend or meditation be helpful for you?


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