Youth advocates

Youth advocates

Our volunteer youth advocates represent us and take part in decision-making at every level.

Dylan Murphy Youth Advisory Panel member

Jigsaw does fantastic work. They are fighting for better services and increased awareness when it comes to youth mental health. I wanted to go hands-on and work with an organisation like this.

Dylan Murphy
Youth Advocate

Why I volunteer with Jigsaw

I volunteer because I’m very passionate when it comes to the topic of youth mental health in Ireland. I wanted to be a part of the conversation in that respect.

I believe that Jigsaw does fantastic work. They are fighting for better services and increased awareness when it comes to youth mental health. I wanted to go hands-on and work with an organisation like this.

>> Read more about our Youth Advocates

How volunteering with Jigsaw has helped me develop

I think it’s really helped me, both personally and professionally.

On one hand, I have gotten to meet with like-minded people who care about the same issues I do. I have also gotten to learn more about myself and formulate my own views when it comes to mental health.

On a professional level, I’ve learned a lot about how an organisation such as Jigsaw functions and I’ve been able to develop various skills by taking part in training.

>> Read more about our Youth Advocates

Working alongside the staff in Jigsaw

It has been great to work with staff at Jigsaw. They are very professional while also being very kind and understanding.

Youth Advocates  are always encouraged to share our ideas or views. We are given the opportunity to develop our skills through our work in the panel. Staff also encourage us to come forward if we need support or guidance with anything here.

I would recommend Jigsaw as a place to work. It is a friendly environment that gives everyone involved an opportunity to develop skills and make a meaningful impact on the organisation.

>> Read more about our Youth Advocates

My most memorable experience as a Youth Advocate

My most memorable experience was in January 2021 when I represented the Limerick Youth Advocates  in the “Conversation Café” event. This was part of the “First Fortnight” online festival.

Along with other young people from across Limerick, Clare and Tipperary, I had the opportunity to speak openly about youth mental health to a large audience. We highlighted a lot of the issues young people face.

As a Youth Advocate

I feel it’s my responsibility to represent the youth voice in Jigsaw. My fellow volunteer Youth Advocates are given updates on where our local service is and what they are doing. We have input in that.

We also have the opportunity to advocate for youth mental health on a national level, within the context of Jigsaw, but also in general.

>> Read more about our Youth Advocates

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