Webinar: Supporting young people struggling with mental health at school

Webinar: Supporting young people struggling with mental health at school

Thursday, 22 October 2020

We held the first instalment of a new series of webinars for parents on Monday, 19th October.

The theme of this webinar was supporting young people struggling with mental health at school. Jigsaw clinicians Jen and Linda gave a 20 minute presentation, followed by questions and answers from parents.

This webinar covers the following topics:

You can view the full recording below.


Themes for upcoming webinars

Here are the themes for the next two webinars for parents in the run up to Christmas.

Self-care during winter months

The current situation is difficult for many. If you would like to learn more about minding your own wellbeing while acting as that One Good Adult for your young person, you can take our self-care course for parents.

The webinar on self-care during winter months will take place Monday, 9th November.

Dealing with family conflict

Conflict within families can be a big source of distress for young people who come to Jigsaw. Since Covid, there has been an increase in young people raising this as a concern.


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