Youth mental health workshops

Youth mental health workshops

Jigsaw clinicians at a training day

Youth mental health workshops

We work closely with communities to build confidence and understanding to support young people with their mental health.

Our work in communities

What do our workshops offer?

Our workshops increase community awareness and understanding of youth mental health and strengthen the knowledge and confidence of people who work or volunteer with young people.

Below are the different types of workshops we offer for community groups, education settings, or workplaces.

Community and education settings

How to be that One Good Adult in a young person’s life.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Audience: Parents, guardians, interested adults
  • Mode of delivery: Zoom / face-to-face

For adults who support, work or volunteer with young people in their community.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Audience: Adults who work or volunteer with young people
  • Mode of delivery: Zoom / face-to-face

This workshop will explore the role coach can play to promote and support youth mental health.

  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Audience: Adults who work or volunteer with young people in a sporting context
  • Mode of delivery: Zoom / face-to-face / online course

This workshop aims to provide young adults, in third level education, with strategies to build and take care of their own mental health.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Audience: young adults, aged 17-25
  • Mode of delivery: Zoom / face-to-face

For parents/guardians of young people, this course focusses on looking after your own wellbeing  while supporting the young person in your life.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Audience: parents, guardians, interested adults
  • Mode of delivery: Online course

This course is for teachers. It explores the importance of looking after your own wellbeing while teaching young people.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Audience: open to all school staff
  • Mode of delivery: Online course

This interactive workshop is for young people engaged in informal education and community settings.

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Audience: young adults, aged 16-25
  • Mode of delivery: Zoom / face-to-face

Aimed at adults interested or concerned about young people’s mental health.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Audience: parents, guardians, interested adults
  • Mode of delivery: Face-to-face

Jigsaw have partnered with BeLonG To Youth Services to launch an online course: Supporting the Mental Health of LGBTI+ Young People.