
Jigsaw’s rolling gallery in Dublin city centre

Jigsaw’s rolling gallery in Dublin city centre

Thursday, 14 January 2021

In the middle of a Januray lockdown, we could all use a message of hope and positivity. Jigsaw Dublin City volunteers have provided just that. 

They have been working to create a rolling gallery in the windows of the service. The aim is to spread a message of hope to passersby or on social media.


New year's resolutions

The first display illustrates our volunteers’ resolutions for the new year.

  • Be kind to ourselves
  • Be kind to others
  • Stay connected.

Without a doubt, it’s a tough and challenging time. These resolutions remind us to be kind to ourselves and others in the face of it all.

With social distancing measures in place, many of us feel lonely or lacking social connections. Stay connected reminds us to check in with friends and loved ones. We’re all in this together.

A image of a window display with new years resolutions

We will see better days

As the pandemic continues, it can be easy to forget, that this will pass. Social distancing is not forever. There will come a time when we can hug our friends, go to the cinema or simply sit in a cafe without worry. Promise!

Volunteers have shared the message ‘We will see better days” to remind people to stay hopeful about the future.

Every month there will be a different message that will come directly from the volunteers to the community. Watch our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for next month’s positive message.

A image of a window display with the words we will see better days

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