
NEART – For parents and guardians

The role of parents/guardians in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their children is crucial. The school’s relationship and partnership with parents/guardians is a central tenet of the whole school approach. The voice of parents can positively influence and support mental health and wellbeing in schools. Also, parents/guardians themselves will benefit greatly from increased knowledge and practical strategies to support their children’s mental health and wellbeing.

Mental health supports and events for parents

NEART will provide a range of supports for parents/guardians throughout the school year. Schools will be provided with an interactive toolkit to enhance parent/carer involvement and engagement in promoting wellbeing and mental health in the school setting.

Parents/guardians can sign up here to receive further information on upcoming podcasts and live webinars as they become available.

Links to existing mental health and wellbeing supports and resources for parents/guardians:

The Neart programme of supports, resources and training is designed to complement the existing supports provided by NEPS and the Department of Education. Please follow the relevant links below to access these resources and supports.

Department of Education resources:

  • Wellbeing in Education (this site provides access to a wide range of wellbeing information and supports for schools, students and parents.

NEPS resources:

Jigsaw.ie resources:

NEART – For student support teams

The work of the Student Support Team is a critical student support system and central to ensuring that schools adopt a whole school, multicomponent, preventative approach to wellbeing promotion. The role of the Student Support Team is to progress actions for the welfare and wellbeing of all students. It is a mechanism through which many of the existing student supports are coordinated and planned. Building on the work already provided by NEPS, NEART provides a range of clinician led masterclass webinars, resources and supports to further build the capacity of Student Support Teams.  

NEART – For school staff

Mental health and wellbeing in school is everybody’s business. The relationship that school staff develop with students is a key influence on wellbeing development. Your role as someone who can guide and support students and/or teach about wellbeing in the classroom is central to supporting student mental health and wellbeing. Of course, your own wellbeing and self-care is also an essential element of a whole-school approach.

NEART – For school leaders

As a school leader, you know that young people learn more effectively and have better academic outcomes if they are happy in their work, believe in themselves and feel acknowledged and supported in their schools. No doubt your school has already developed innovative approaches to mental health and wellbeing promotion. Your role is critical in encouraging and facilitating your whole school community to engage with the NEART programme of supports.