
Supporting yourself through college

The initial thrill of starting college may have worn off, you might feel stressed as coursework starts to build up. Other things, like keeping up with friends and dealing with money pressures can also make you feel stressed.

These feelings are normal. Learning to deal with difficult situations is all part of breaking out and becoming your own person.

Coping with college pressure

The college year is well and truly underway and the summer break is now but a distant memory. With exams looming and a list of assignments to get through, not to mention work and social commitments to keep up with, it might feel like the pressure is mounting.

Navigating Leaving Cert result stress

On Friday, 25 August, young people will be getting their Leaving Cert results.

The wait beforehand can be an anxious and stressful time for many. Here we share helpful tips and advice gathered from our team of mental health professionals and other young people who have been there.

Remember to give yourself credit

No matter how your results turn out, you deserve to celebrate your hard work. And remember, your exams do not define your worth.

Take your time

Moving forward is personal. Don’t rush. Give yourself space to figure things out. Check in with yourself now and again about how you are feeling. If you are worried or stressed sometimes, that is OK. It is normal to feel that way. But don’t be afraid to seek help if you feel you need it.

Dealing with self-criticism

Too many of us are quietly, privately, hard on ourselves. We walk around with an inner critic, telling us we’re not ‘good enough’ and never amount to anything.

Sometimes we feel so much pressure to achieve, self-criticism seems like a necessity. Lockdown has kept us cooped up and in many cases with more free time. We may feel especially guilty if we’ve not been ‘productive’.

We’ve all seen people who ‘achieved’ despite the difficulties of the pandemic. Marathons run in backyards, new languages learned, what seems like hundreds of books read. It’s difficult not to compare ourselves and put pressure on ourselves too.

There’s a myth we can hang on to that a harsh inner critic is useful to get where we want in life.

In this article, you will find: