
Youth talk. We listen.

Creating a future solution for youth mental health and wellbeing.

On 25 June, 2020, Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health and HSE Health & Wellbeing are co-hosting a unique online event, giving young people across the country the opportunity to contribute to youth mental health policy and planning for Ireland into the future.

“Youth Talk. We Listen” brings together members of Jigsaw, HSE Health and Wellbeing, Healthy Ireland and over 80 young people to identify solutions and to speak to key stakeholders and decision-makers about how best to support and promote youth mental health and wellbeing.

Ask Jigsaw: Loss of confidence

I’ve always been an anxious person but over the past year I have noticed myself it has gotten worse due to certain experiences. I never had a lot of confidence in myself and this is showing a lot more now and family and friends have said it to me which makes me break down each time.

Over the past few number of months my confidence has declined hugely both as a person but also confidence with my body image as comments have been passed. The constant thoughts of ‘I’m worthless and useless’ run through my mind nearly everyday when I look at myself.

Since I was younger I always put on a brave face and always had a smile on my face just to meet the expectations and perceptions that people had of me, but I’ve come to a point now where I cannot physical do it anymore, it was all to please other people!

Overthinking is another thing my mind is constantly going at 100 miles an hour. I always wanted to make an appointment and to speak about this in person but every time I do talk about or even think about it I completely break down. I just want to try and fix this because it has affected relationships and aspects of life hugely as I am isolating myself from the people I love but unfortunately I just don’t know how so, it would be great if you could give me some advice and ways I could overcome this!
Thank you!

-Flower 21

It sounds like there’s been a lot going on under the surface and it’s become too much to keep in anymore. While it can be hard to hear from other people that they’ve noticed you don’t seem as confident, they must really care about you and want to see you feel more comfortable in yourself.

Jigsaw’s One Good Coach now available

The GAA, LGFA, and the Camogie Association, in partnership with Jigsaw, are delighted to make available a new online mental health course called One Good Coach™. The course is based on the successful workshop Jigsaw delivers face-to-face across its 14 services. It offers participants a greater understanding of mental health, the importance of their role as a potential One Good Adult® in the lives of young people, and a greater awareness of how to promote and support young people’s mental health.

Jigsaw launches urgent fundraising appeal

Our emergency appeal asks for help to support young people struggling with their mental health during the pandemic.

Jigsaw has seen a 400% increase in demand for our online services and supports since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis in March. We have also had more than 4,000 teachers across the country sign up to our mental health eLearning programme during the outbreak.

Jigsaw’s Response to Covid-19

The Covid-19 situation is evolving and fluid. For some weeks now, management in Jigsaw has been meeting regularly to monitor the situation. This group, and all members of the Jigsaw team, are acutely aware of our duty of care to each other, the young people we serve and the national public health situation we find ourselves in.

As such, and following the government’s latest advice issued on Thursday, 12 March, 2020 we have made the decision to temporarily suspend all Jigsaw face-to-face services until 29 March. This difficult decision has been made in the interests of public health. All Jigsaw services and national office staff will continue to work from home to maintain our commitment to a ‘business as usual’ approach. We recognise this decision will have an impact on those we serve across our communities, but we believe it to be in the national interest.

Donation Drive for Jigsaw Saturday, 29 February

Our partner Entertainment Enterprises Group and their brands including Starbucks, TGI Friday’s, Hard Rock Café, Dante’s Pizza, Mao and Leisureplex are hosting a donation drive this Saturday 29 February.

On this Leap Day, customers of all of these amazing outlets will have the option to add a donation to their bill to support Jigsaw. So we are calling on our supporters to please pop in, say hello and donate to support our vital work in creating an Ireland where every young person’s mental health is valued and supported.

Jigsaw announces new partners

We have been chosen as the exclusive partner of Entertainment Enterprises Group and their brands including Starbucks, TGI Fridays, Hard Rock Café, Dante’s Pizza, Mao and Leisureplex for the next three months.

The partnership kicks off today, Saturday 1 February and will run up to Thursday 30 April 2020. This exciting new partnership will involve a range of fundraising and awareness activities across all these fantastic outlets. Customers in each location will notice a Jigsaw counter top collection unit at the till giving them the opportunity to donate throughout the partnership.

Irish Defence Forces to run 100km for Jigsaw

On New Year’s Day 2020, eight members of the Engineer Section of the 60th Infantry Group currently deployed with UNDOF in Syria will run a collective 100km to raise awareness and funds for Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health.

Kitted out in full military battle dress, the group will each carry 35lbs of weight to represent the weight of living with mental health issues. Lead fundraiser Private Aaron Murray (28) from Finglas, Dublin said, “I decided to start this challenge to raise awareness of mental health and of the amazing work that Jigsaw does. I’ve personally struggled with my own mental health for most of my life, and unfortunately wasn’t aware of the services they provided. By doing this challenge, I hope we can help other young people who may be going through a difficult time so that they do not have to suffer like I once did.”