
Ask Jigsaw: Are my feelings enough to get help?

I have been feeling low and my days seem to mesh together. I have been to a doctor and it wasn’t much help. I feel like my feelings aren’t severe enough for me to get help. 

However I’m really struggling and feel like life is extremely difficult to live. I would just like to know if it is normal to feel like I’m over exaggerating what I’m feeling, and if I’m invalidating others that have severe mental health issues  



We hear from a lot of young people who feel their difficulties aren’t significant enough to get support. “It could always be worse they tell themselves to try and push through. 

Continuing to live with Covid

Meghan, 20, a Jigsaw volunteer from Cork gives her story: The past few months have been uncertain for myself, and I’m sure many others, with many new changes in every aspect of our lives.

Uncertainty of when I’ll be able to see my friends, uncertainty around college and when we’ll be going back on campus, work and being able to feel comfortable and safe in crowded areas.

Ask Jigsaw: How to approach getting help

Recently I feel like my mental heath has gotten quite bad. I’ve been able to ignore how I feel in the past but something, I’m not sure what, has changed and I think I need to look into options for what can I do because I definitely can’t continue like this.

I’m not sure how to approach getting help though. I’ve heard of jigsaw through friends and from looking it up online but I have no idea would the jigsaw facilities work for me or should I go to my GP?

I don’t have anyone I feel comfortable talking to in my life right now so this is why I’ve come here.
I’m 18 and I haven’t been diagnosed with anything. I don’t know if that changes things or if it matters.


Hi Olivia,

I’m sorry to hear that your mental health has gotten quite bad recently. You don’t have to ignore how you feel, and talking things through can really help.

There are lots of support options out there, and it can feel overwhelming when trying to decide where to start. I can tell you a little bit about the supports we offer at Jigsaw, which might help you to decide if it would be suitable for you.

Children’s Books Ireland launch reading guide

The Covid-19 pandemic is a considerable source of worry for children and families. Young people are having to cope with big changes at home and at school.

In response, Children’s Books Ireland, in partnership with Jigsaw and ISPCC Childline, launched “Mind yourself – the mental health and wellbeing reading guide” on Monday, 5th October ahead of World Mental Health Day.

World Mental Health Day, 10th October is an international event that promotes mental health education and awareness. A recent UNICEF report found that children and young people in Ireland are struggling with their mental health.

In a survey of 38 OCED countries, Ireland is number 26 when it comes to the mental wellbeing of children. Books can provide comfort to readers during a difficult time. There is robust evidence to support that reading for pleasure can have a positive effect on mental wellbeing.

Ask Jigsaw: Guilty for feeling sad

when I feel a negative feeling like anger, sadness or loneliness. I always feel so guilty and overall stupid for having those feelings because I know that I have had a pretty okay life compared to those who in the world who have suffered from so much pain and hurt that they didn’t deserve.

But I was just wondering is it normal to feel your feelings are not valid and unimportant? I just think I have always had some sort of just a numbness in my heart that I’ve just gotten used to, so any different feeling to that numb feeling is followed by guilt. I am grateful that I’m here everyday though. Just its something I think about all the time and I had to ask. Thank You


Hi Chico093,

I can tell from your question that you are a very thoughtful, caring, self-aware person. Your question is actually something we hear a good bit at Jigsaw and something that many young people struggle with.

Ask Jigsaw: Frustrated and lonely

I feel very frustrated and lonely most of the time because i can’t express my problems to anyone i know. At school i only have one or two friends that im not that close to, and i cant tell my family either because ive tried to, but they dont understand me and it frustrates me.

Even if i had close friends, i wouldnt want to open up because in previous friendships it hasnt helped me (to open up) and they never understand anyway.

The problems are about being really anxious, feeling sad and disoriented very often and a lot of negative feelings. I feel lonely because its like im on my own and i cant turn to anyone for help
