
Ask Jigsaw: Frustrated and lonely

I feel very frustrated and lonely most of the time because i can’t express my problems to anyone i know. At school i only have one or two friends that im not that close to, and i cant tell my family either because ive tried to, but they dont understand me and it frustrates me.

Even if i had close friends, i wouldnt want to open up because in previous friendships it hasnt helped me (to open up) and they never understand anyway.

The problems are about being really anxious, feeling sad and disoriented very often and a lot of negative feelings. I feel lonely because its like im on my own and i cant turn to anyone for help


Ask Jigsaw: Am I wasting my youth?

Why do I feel like I am wasting my youth? My entire family has struggled with massive drug and alcohol addiction so I try to stay away from it, but it feels like I’m wasting my youth. I’m so afraid that I’m going to look back at this time in my life and be full of regret. 


Hi Elle,  

Worrying about future regrets can have a big impact on the choices we make in the moment. The fear of regret can make us question even our strongest values.  

School avoidance

The majority of young people face challenges at some point throughout their schooling.

Common difficulties can occur in the following areas: learning and curriculum, social and peer related and/or the physical environment.

For the most part, young people overcome these challenges and school provides positive, enjoyable experiences. However, for a number of young people, school can cause a significant amount of distress. This leads to difficulty attending school.

If your young person is currently experiencing difficulty attending school, this article covers the following:

Ask Jigsaw: Anxious and nervous at school

I want to know why i can’t bring myself to want to go to school. i am a very social person at times and i don’t have any problems besides the few subjects but everyone has that problem. i feel very unmotivated, uncomfortable, anxious and extremely nervous at school. i was just brought home from school due to the fact i got sick because of the nervousness and anxiety. I want to be able to enjoy school but i don’t know how

-emily k

Hi emily k,

You are not on your own with this. We have heard from many young people who have started to experience anxiety as they start back to things like school and socialising. It’s great that you want to get back to enjoying school, and are looking for ways to do that.

Ask Jigsaw: Covid ruins everything

I keep wanting to go on holidays but when COVID struck it ruins everything and I really miss traveling and really just want to have sleep overs with my friends but because of that darn COVID I can’t I’m oisin and I’m 12 years old and I have adhd


Hi Oisin,

Thank you for being honest about how you are feeling. Without a doubt, the current situation is really tough. It has put limits on many things that we used to take for granted.

Fitting in at school

It can seem like everyone else has found their group and is fitting in at school. We can end up feeling very lonely and isolated when we don’t feel we fit in. 

If you feel like you don’t fit in, you’re not on your own. According to My World Survey 2, over one in five young people considered friends to be a source of stress. 39% of adolescents reported that they had experienced bullying at some point in their lives.

As we get older, we tend to spend much less time with family and more time with friends. For many young people, fitting in is really important. It seems that everybody wants to be popular. This can lead to social rivalry, competition and bullying, particularly in school.

When you feel like you don’t fit in, it can be an extremely tough experience. There are no easy answers, but some of the following may help.

Ask Jigsaw: Where to start when unemployed

I have been unemployed due to COVID since March and have no idea where to start over again as I have no college degree but beforehand had a really amazing job in the business industry. I don’t think I will ever get one like it again. Im stuck in bed all day not knowing where to go or what to do.


Hi neswilla,

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve lost your job due to Covid. There are lots of young people in a similar position at the moment, so your question will help others too.