
Ask Jigsaw: Lockdown affecting eating habits

I think the lockdown is damaging my eating habits and the way I view myself. I’ve been isolated to my house for weeks now. I’ve felt an extreme hatred towards myself, and it just seems to worsen everyday.

But I feel so awful for upsetting my family, especially my mam, who I know is being really hard on herself because of how I’m behaving.

I really do try to eat and not think about the disordered thoughts, but because I can’t distract myself, I feel sort of trapped with them.

I feel extremely guilty and horrible for adding more stress to my family, but I just can’t do what they’re asking me. I can’t see myself getting better and I feel like such a burden on everyone. I really do wish I could snap my fingers and make everything right, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do, it’s too difficult.


Hi Anna,

I’m sorry to hear that you are going through such an intense experience during an already difficult time. Thoughts about body image can be all consuming, and can have a strong negative effect on our mental health, as you have described.

Ask Jigsaw: Everything makes me burst into tears

Why does every little thing make me burst into tears and start overthinking and finding more reasons to keep crying and not being able to stop.


Hi Nanabanan,

I’m sorry to hear that every little thing is making you burst into tears. That sounds difficult, so thank you for reaching out to us. We hear from lots of young people who experience similar things, so I know your question will help others, too!

Getting used to self-guided study

Furthering your education or training after secondary school can also be a really exciting time.

This period of transition from being in the school system to becoming more independent can take some adjustment. Self-motivation is often needed to engage with this way of learning.

In this article, you will find:

Ask Jigsaw: Constantly feeling miserable

New year and nothing has changed it’s still just constantly feeling miserable. I don’t have it in me to ask for help and it’s only getting darker help

-I Want Help

Hi I Want Help,

I’m sorry that you feel this bad at the moment. A new year can bring hope for change or fresh starts. Often though, nothing changes from December 31st to January 1st, which can feel disappointing or disheartening.

Ask Jigsaw: I can’t stand being in this house

I feel I need to get away from my house, I’m 18 and I dont really have the means to go out on my own but I cant stand being in this house I feel as if my family are going to drive me to kill myself if I stay any longer. I dont know what to do and I cant find anyone to talk to who will understand and see through my parents lies.


I’m sorry to hear that things are difficult for you at the moment. It is a hard position to be in, and I can imagine you are feeling many different emotions such as frustration, upset and anger. Especially at the moment, we are spending more time our houses, and this can put a strain on family relationships. Perhaps, it can also lead you to feeling somewhat helpless, with a loss of control.

Body image and mental health

Body image is the way we feel about how we look. Most of us experience dissatisfaction with how we see our body at different points in our life.

Very few people are 100% confident about their appearance at all times. However, if the way we feel about our body starts to impact what we do in a negative way, we need to address this.

Difficulty with body image affects people of any gender. In today’s society, there’s a focus on physical appearance and the ‘perfect body’ and social media can emphasise this.

Scrolling through Instagram and making comparisons between ourselves and what we see is very common. This can distort our sense of body image, creating unrealistic expectations of how we should look.

Ask Jigsaw: Anxiety before sleeping

Hi, I just wanted to know if it was normal to have anxiety before sleeping at night as multiple times during the past few weeks I’ve been feeling anxious going to bed and I’m not quite sure what is causing it.


Hi gracex06,

Feeling anxious before sleeping at night is common and you are not alone experiencing this. Often when we are feeling stressed these feelings can surface at night making it difficult to sleep. This can be frustrating especially if you are unsure where this anxiety is coming from.

Worrying about the future

The future and how we feel about it can make us feel overwhelmed. Either by the amount of choice, or lack of it.

Being worried about the future is not uncommon. Some people have a very clear map of what road they hope to take. Others are less certain.

Few could have predicted the pandemic and how that has affected our immediate future.

When thinking about the future, we may experience a range of emotions including confusion, frustration, anger or sadness.

What you’ll find in this article

Personal story: Living with cancer

A young person who received a cancer diagnosis has developed a booklet to support teenagers who may be facing the same situation.

They were treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma when they were 15 years old which was a lonely and worrying time for them. Inspired by what they felt was a lack of educational materials available for young adults living with cancer, and they have created this resource drawing from their own experience.

Ask Jigsaw: Online learning has been so hard

I get good grades in school but I can’t bring myself to continue schoolwork at home. Online learning has been so hard and unmotivating and I’ve stopped going to most classes, lying about my internet cutting out or my camera not working or my headphones breaking. I don’t want to do it and I want to be as good as I know I can be if I put my mind to it but I just don’t have the motivation to do anything related to school anymore.

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out today. It might be helpful to know that you are not on your own with this. Many of the young people we speak with are having a similar experience with online learning and schoolwork.