
Webinar: Supporting young people to stay positive

We ran a webinar for parents on Monday, 27 April where two Jigsaw clinicians gave a presentation on supporting young people to stay positive and motivated. They then took questions from parents about what was going on for them.

The lockdown has gone on longer than any of us could have foreseen at the beginning and is now what people are calling the ‘new normal’. However, it can still feel far from normal particularly with things like school, college and work suspended, uncertain or over in some cases.

Keeping yourself and the young people in your life positive and motivated right now can take a bit of of extra work. Hopefully, this webinar covers useful tips for you to try at this time.

Watch: Self-care for parents during Covid-19

While self-care has always been important, the current situation with Covid-19 creates many new challenges for parents.

The loss of usual routines, trying to support young people through the crisis, juggling many roles and spending long periods of time cooped up with the family. All of this, combined with understandable worry regarding the crisis means it is vital for parents to look after their own mental health.

Watch: Parents share their self-care tips at this time

Webinar: Supporting your own mental health in lockdown

We ran a webinar for parents where two Jigsaw clinicians gave a presentation about supporting your mental health while social distancing. They then took questions from parents about what was going on for them.

The new measures can still throw up a lot of uncertainty and disappointment about plans that either have to postponed, or canceled. Keeping yourself and the young people in your life positive and motivated right now can take a bit of of extra work. Hopefully, this webinar covers useful tips for you to try at this time.

Webinar: Supporting young people to manage anxiety

We ran a webinar for parents about supporting young people to manage anxiety during these unusual times.

In this recording, Jen and Fiona, provided an overview of what anxiety is along with some practical coping strategies. They then took questions from parents. The video below is a recording of the webinar.

What is depression?

Depression is a term that is used in many different ways by different people. Commonly, people use the word depression to describe feeling sad, upset, or fed up.

Many of us describe things, such as news stories, as ‘depressing’. We may also describe ourselves as being depressed at different times in our lives and for different lengths of time.

In this article, you will find:

Porn and mental health

As technology advances, the accessibility of porn has increased. We know that many young people in Ireland are consuming porn.

The recent My World Survey, a study of young people in Ireland, had relevant results on this. It found that almost two-thirds of young adults had watched pornography on the internet.

Struggling with schoolwork at home

Without being able to go to class because of Covid-19, you may have been forced to do all your school work from home.

Up until recently, school more than likely involved direct teacher support, and a structured learning environment. Self-guided study is not something that comes naturally to many of us.

Whether school was something you loved or hated, having to do school work from home can bring a whole new set of challenges. These can differ depending on your circumstances but can include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed with the volume of work
  • Not understanding what’s required, or feeling lost
  • Not having a decent computer/device or enough phone data to access online work
  • A lack of a quiet workspace to concentrate
  • Having to care for others in the household
  • Feeling there is no point in keeping up with schoolwork, particularly with uncertainty around exams.

If you’re struggling to keep on top of schoolwork, you could also experience feelings of guilt, frustration, anger or stress. Know that you’re not on your own. It could be really helpful to reach out and let teachers know how you are managing.

Below, watch teacher Darren Byrne talks about staying connected with school.

Grief and loss in exceptional times

During the past few months so much has changed in our world. Certain things continue – people get sick, people die, people die suddenly. And sadly, many people have died of Covid-19.

But, everything feels quite different now, when the usual rituals and coming together are no longer available to us. There is no right way to feel or to grieve the loss of someone we love.

However, there might be some things we can do to ease the pain and strangeness a little. Of course, they will be different for everyone and it’s about finding your own way.