
Starting college in 2021

There’s a big emphasis placed on starting college. It’s a chance to make new friends, pursue your own interests, and increase your independence.

But as with many things in the last 18 months, that experience could be quite different now. The pandemic has changed a lot of ways of life, with one of the biggest impacts being on education.

Colleges are due to open for on-site education in the academic year 2021-2022. Though while some restrictions remain in place, college might still present challenges.

Ask Jigsaw: Lockdown affecting eating habits

I think the lockdown is damaging my eating habits and the way I view myself. I’ve been isolated to my house for weeks now. I’ve felt an extreme hatred towards myself, and it just seems to worsen everyday.

But I feel so awful for upsetting my family, especially my mam, who I know is being really hard on herself because of how I’m behaving.

I really do try to eat and not think about the disordered thoughts, but because I can’t distract myself, I feel sort of trapped with them.

I feel extremely guilty and horrible for adding more stress to my family, but I just can’t do what they’re asking me. I can’t see myself getting better and I feel like such a burden on everyone. I really do wish I could snap my fingers and make everything right, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do, it’s too difficult.


Hi Anna,

I’m sorry to hear that you are going through such an intense experience during an already difficult time. Thoughts about body image can be all consuming, and can have a strong negative effect on our mental health, as you have described.

Supporting the #LoveNotHate Campaign

Too often in Jigsaw we hear from young people about the negative impact racism has on their mental health.

We need to send a clear message that racism and hate have no place in our communities. That’s why Jigsaw is joining more than 90 charities and organisations from across Ireland in supporting the Irish Network Against Racism’s #LoveNotHate campaign.

The campaign calls for the government to enact hate crime legislation immediately, to offer the best protection to people from affected groups in Ireland.

Jigsaw schools hub is live

Results of our recent survey revealed that less than half  (45.5%) of the staff in Ireland’s schools felt confident about responding to a young person with mental health difficulties. 

The survey also showed over a quarter (25.5 %) reported providing regular ongoing support to a student experiencing mental health difficulties.

An update on Jigsaw coming to Tipperary

We are delighted by the support for the opening of our Jigsaw service in Tipperary. The pandemic has undoubtedly impacted progress. 

As an organisation, supporting young people’s mental health is central to everything we do. We remain absolutely committed to bringing our service to young people and the community as quickly as possible. Here are some updates on the current status of the project.

Happy International Women’s Day

March’s rolling gallery wishes a Happy International Women’s Day to all the awe inspiring women in our lives.

Each month, Jigsaw Dublin City volunteers spread a message of positivity using the windows of the service. In January, we received the welcomed reminder we will see better days. To mark Valentine’s day, the volunteers shared a positive and inclusive message that even when you’re down, there are people who love you and are looking out for you.

For this month’s instalment of the rolling gallery, we’re getting two messages for the price of one.

What’s on your plate?

To mark Eating Disorder’s Week 2021, Clinicians and Youth Advisory Panel from our Jigsaw service in Donegal have joined forces to bring you tips for healthy eating habits.

When you have a lot on your plate, it can mean that you feel like you have a lot on your mind. Common concerns that young people would come to our Jigsaw services about are worrying about school, relationships, exams or finances.

Over the years, young people’s routines and eating habits have changed significantly. Some people may notice their eating habits change when they feel anxious or overwhelmed. For Eating Disorder’s Week 2021, we are focusing on Jigsaw’s 5 a day for mental health and how it can relate to the promotion of healthy eating habits.

Ask Jigsaw: Everything makes me burst into tears

Why does every little thing make me burst into tears and start overthinking and finding more reasons to keep crying and not being able to stop.


Hi Nanabanan,

I’m sorry to hear that every little thing is making you burst into tears. That sounds difficult, so thank you for reaching out to us. We hear from lots of young people who experience similar things, so I know your question will help others, too!

Getting used to self-guided study

Furthering your education or training after secondary school can also be a really exciting time.

This period of transition from being in the school system to becoming more independent can take some adjustment. Self-motivation is often needed to engage with this way of learning.

In this article, you will find: