Recently I feel like my mental heath has gotten quite bad. I’ve been able to ignore how I feel in the past but something, I’m not sure what, has changed and I think I need to look into options for what can I do because I definitely can’t continue like this.
I’m not sure how to approach getting help though. I’ve heard of jigsaw through friends and from looking it up online but I have no idea would the jigsaw facilities work for me or should I go to my GP?
I don’t have anyone I feel comfortable talking to in my life right now so this is why I’ve come here.
I’m 18 and I haven’t been diagnosed with anything. I don’t know if that changes things or if it matters.
Hi Olivia,
I’m sorry to hear that your mental health has gotten quite bad recently. You don’t have to ignore how you feel, and talking things through can really help.
There are lots of support options out there, and it can feel overwhelming when trying to decide where to start. I can tell you a little bit about the supports we offer at Jigsaw, which might help you to decide if it would be suitable for you.