
Ask Jigsaw: Stress of college from home

Hi Jigsaw, 

I have just found out that all of my college lectures will be online. As a result, I will not be moving out. I’m very stressed and upset about this. I feel living with my family has resulted in the deterioration of my mental health. I can’t talk to my parents about it, as they are the source of this stress. Also I will very rarely see my friends. Any recommendations on managing this?


Hi Disa22,  

College life will be very different this year. We’ve heard from many young people who are feeling disappointment, stress, and anger because they are missing out on experiences that everyone else took for granted.   

Gaming and mental health

Online gaming is a really popular activity that can be a healthy and enjoyable pastime.

There are many benefits to online gaming. It can be a way of connecting with others, making friends online and reducing isolation.

Gaming can be fun and a good distraction from current negative news and social media reports. It doesn’t have to be competitive, with many games encouraging teamwork. It can help develop problem solving skills and give us a sense of achievement.

However, for a small number of us, gaming can have a negative impact on mental health if we are not paying attention to how it affects us.

In this article you will find:


Ask Jigsaw: Can’t phone for support

Hi, I am a college student, and think that I may suffer from anxiety, and have thought this for a few years. In recent months I think it has worsened. Is there any way to contact jigsaw without talking on the phone/over video call (E.g email/messaging) as I do not have enough privacy in the house to do so.


Hi there,

We are hearing from many young people who have found that anxiety has increased over the past few months, so you are not on your own. With so many people now going to college from their home we are aware that privacy can be an issue.


Starting college during a pandemic

Ross, 18, a Jigsaw volunteer from Offaly, talks about starting college this year.

Like any young person, or any person at all in Ireland in 2020, it’s safe to say life has been anything but normal since March. Going from “schools are closed for two weeks”, to finding out that the culmination of 12 years of schoolwork, the Leaving Cert, was now cancelled, was an emotional rollercoaster.

The relief from finally getting a concrete answer gave room to thinking more about college and my concerns about third-level education in the world’s current state.


Ask Jigsaw: Mother comments on weight

I lost all my confidence due to the mean comments my mother makes about my weight. Is there any way I can make her stop making those comments? I know I have to lose some weight but she makes comments all the time. I have told her numerous times to stop but she won’t.


Hi Una,

It’s not surprising that we absorb the comments that our parents make about us. If our parents make positive remarks, we tend to feel more confident, but if they are negative it can make us doubt our self-worth. I’m sorry that you have had to experience negative remarks from your mother about your body image.

Ask Jigsaw: Won’t get into course

Hi,  today we received our calculated grades and unfortunately I think I won’t be getting into the course that I wanted to. So College might be out of the options. I live with my parents. I’m 18 and I don’t know the first thing about getting a job nor’ what it is that I would like. I don’t think I can just jump into something that I’ll end up hating everyday. I don’t have anywhere to share my thoughts and I don’t want to rely on my parents, because it’s my own life I want to get started. It takes a lot more time, doesn’t it?



Hi TryAndBeKind,

I am sorry to hear that you didn’t get the grades that you wanted. It sounds like you are both disappointed and confused about your next steps, which is understandable.

Ask Jigsaw: Self-harming and feeling trapped

hi if you are self harming and your mam knows you have a history of it, is it ok for her to tell you to kill yourself and hit you even if it was a couple of times. everything is ok now but im not allowed leave the house because i’m grounded for drinking but she thinks i don’t have a phone and i feel trapped and i have started self harming again and having panick attacks.

Hi Tasha05xo,

It sounds like things are really difficult for you at the moment. Thank you for reaching out to us.

Self-care course for teachers

This 45 minute online course will introduce teachers to the concept of self-care.

It covers the importance of self-care in the life of a teacher, and ways to ensure it is a part of their teaching. You will receive a certificate of completion once you finish the course.

Participants will:

  • Have a greater understanding of what self-care is
  • Have a greater understanding of the importance of self-care in their role as a teacher
  • Explore the challenges to supporting self-care practice
  • Be more aware of their own self-care needs
  • Be able to develop their own self-care plan.

 For those who work or volunteer with young people, this course is for you. Sign up to our eLearning portal.

Sign up now

Ask Jigsaw: I need help again

I suffer very badly with anxiety and went to CAMHS for years as a child. I started college last year and found the change extremely tough and found that my anxiety had come back nearly worse then ever but I just used what I had learned when I was younger and tried to help myself the best I could, but since Covid and the whole lifestyle change I’ve found everything extremely overwhelming and feel I need help again and don’t know how to go about it ?!?

-The Happy Anxious 

Hi The Happy Anxious,

The transition from school to college is difficult for lots of young people. It’s a time of great change and the beginning of new challenges, so it’s understandable that you felt anxious around this time. It sounds like the impact of the pandemic has made coping with anxiety a lot tougher. It’s good to seek support when we’re feeling overwhelmed, so thanks for reaching out.