
Ask Jigsaw: Should I reach out?

I think I have anxiety, but I am not too sure and too nervous to reach out somewhere for help. I also have very poor self confidence and find that this is affecting my life negatively. Do you think it’s worth to try to reach out to somewhere .


Hi mm1224, 

Thank you for your question. Lots of young people wonder about whether or not they should reach out for help, so your question will help others. Reaching out for help is not easy, and it’s natural to be nervous about it.

You mentioned that having low confidence is affecting your life negatively. It makes sense that you might want to make some changes. 

Ask Jigsaw: Missing out on college experience


Lately I’ve been feeling very down and not being able to feel positive. I’m a college student, but haven’t been able to move away from home because of the virus. I live in a rural area where I don’t know many people and I feel very isolated. Many of my friends have moved away and are having fun in student accommodation.

I feel as if the “best years” of my life are wasting away before me and I am not getting the college experience. My last year in college starts next year. I am afraid that it will too be wasted with restrictions and having no social life. I am the youngest in my family and when I compare my college experience to my siblings it upsets me, as I feel as if I will never get that.

Being stuck at home, bored and lonely has made me feel constantly down, anxious and stressed. I know that nothing can be done to change my circumstances, but how can I help myself to feel some happiness. Thanks 



Hi Lulu17,

Your reaction to the Covid-19 restrictions is something we have heard from many young people. Being unable to move away for the college year feels unfair, and I can understand why you are feeling anxious and feeling down at home.

Webinar: Self-care during winter months

We held the second instalment of a new series of webinars for parents on Monday, 9 November.

The theme of this webinar was self-care during winter months. You may notice when you are tired, stressed or feeling run down, this can have a knock-on impact on the dynamics and relationships in the household. This can then increase tensions and arguments. As a parent, paying attention to your own mental health and wellbeing is not a luxury; it is a necessity.

In this webinar, Jigsaw clinicians Conor and Olive gave a 20-minute presentation. This was followed by questions and answers from parents.

The areas covered are:

  • A look at some of the things that might deplete our wellbeing
  • How our body responds and how we may respond in ways that might not be helpful
  • Explore more helpful ways to respond
  • Practical things parents can do to look after their own self-care

You can view the full recording below.

Ask Jigsaw: I feel like everyone hates me

I am always down and sad. I’m 13 and I’m a girl I feel like everyone hates me and I’m alone. I have a few friends but I’ve been sad because I lost my very close friends and it’s hurting. I feel like I have anxiety but I don’t know. I’m really a mess and I need someone to talk to. I’m crying a lot and sad. I feel like nobody understands thank you for taking ur time 


Hi Bb,

Feeling down can make us feel fed up, teary,  lonely and worried. It can also change how we view situations. We can think that people dislike us or that we aren’t good enough, even though these thoughts aren’t true. This can be exhausting and it’s important to mind yourself when feeling this way.

New online course with BeLonG To Youth Services

Jigsaw have partnered with BeLonG To Youth Services to launch a new online course: Supporting the Mental Health of LGBTI+ Young People.

This course is for adults who work or volunteer with young people. It consists of a self-directed online programme that takes under two hours, followed by a three hour live Zoom workshop.

**This course and waitlist are now full. We will make an announcement when we can open it up again. Thank you!**

Ask Jigsaw: Feel alone and bite myself

I feel really alone right now I don’t feel I can tell my parents. I cry when nobody’s around and I bite my hand instead of cutting, it hurts but it helps me feel better. if you have any tips any at all that would mean a lot thank you.


Hi Doglover88,

I am sorry to hear that you feel alone right now and it feels like you cannot tell your parents. However,  you should know that you are not alone.

Ask Jigsaw: Assessment for ADHD

I’ve been thinking for a long time now that I might have ADHD and I want to get tested for it. It affects me daily and especially ever since the lockdowns and my school exams started. I was wondering how I could get tested for it but I didn’t know how  


Hi Fluffydog, 

Thank you for reaching out and for sharing what has been going on for you. I’m sorry to hear this has been impacting you so much. 

Jigsaw Galway update

Jigsaw in Galway is currently in the process of moving to a new home. During the move, our commitment to providing services and support to young people in Galway remains the same.

Ask Jigsaw: Do I need parental consent?

I am a minor and I want to get professional help. but, in my current situation, I do not feel like I can go to my parents but I need parental consent to receive any form of treatment. Is there any way I’d be able to go about receiving treatment or counselling without my parents being involved or notified?


Hi a,

Thanks for your question. We often hear from young people who feel that they can’t talk to their parents but are looking for support. So you are not on your own with this.