
Fingal Community Conversations

The Jigsaw services in North Fingal and Dublin 15, along with their Youth Advisory Panels, collaborated with 20+ youth organisations/schools in a cross-Fingal community project. The aim of the project was to involve young people in a conversation around what happened to them in a year that none of us expected.

New horizons for April’s rolling gallery

It’s the start of a new month and with that comes the latest instalment of the rolling gallery. This month Jigsaw Dublin City volunteers collaborated with international artist David Uda, who generously gave his time and creativity to bring the piece to life. 

Every month, Jigsaw Dublin City volunteers have used the windows of the service to spread a message of positivity. Last month’s display paid tribute to all the awe inspiring women in our lives for International Women’s Day. In February, we were reminded that even when you’re down, there are people who love you and are looking out for you.

Starting college in 2021

There’s a big emphasis placed on starting college. It’s a chance to make new friends, pursue your own interests, and increase your independence.

But as with many things in the last 18 months, that experience could be quite different now. The pandemic has changed a lot of ways of life, with one of the biggest impacts being on education.

Colleges are due to open for on-site education in the academic year 2021-2022. Though while some restrictions remain in place, college might still present challenges.